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Germany And France 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point Britain Germany And France Southern Europe Cooperation Former Soviet Satellites Wild Card 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 2 Points 3 Points 3 Points 3 Points 3 Points 3 Points 3 Points 4 Points 4 Points 4 Points 4 Points 4 Points 4 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points
Inflation, high U, taxes, and huge trade deficit plus apathetic workers and old machinery
How Britain’s economy did in the 1960s and 1970s?
From 1979-1990, she was their conservative leader.
Margaret Thatcher
They were Labor Party prime ministers after John Major until 2010.
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown
They experienced this foreign affairs crisis in the 1980s over a colony.
Falkland Islands War
This plan created a coalition government in Northern Ireland.
Good Friday Agreement
Policy of looking eastward to ties with Poland and Russia
CDU leader who helped reunify Germany
Helmut Kohl
Socialist leader who nationalized industry, banks, and increased taxes on the rich, but later in his presidency became more conservative.
Francois Mitterand
Neo-nazism, higher U in the East, slowing of economic growth, spending on average $70 billion per year to help the East.
What are problems Germany had after unification?
He limited France’s role in foreign affairs, allowed Britain to join the EU, and renovated Paris
Georges Pompidou
This country suffers from a poor economy, extremely high national debt, and poor relations with neighbors Macedonia and Turkey.
Spanish Basque terrorist organization desiring independence
He was removed and exiled with his entire family after the “Colonels” were overthrown since he allowed them to take over.
What is the fate of Greece’s king?
Because they joined the EU and instituted free market reform under Anabal Cavaco Silva.
What is why Portugal’s economy grew rapidly from 1985-1995?
Terrorist organization that advocated Communism in Italy
Who are the Red Brigades?
Agreement to protect human rights, encourage economic and technological cooperation
Helsinki Accords
US, Canada, Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia
Who are members of NATO?
Representatives from all member nations pass laws pertaining to the European Union.
European Parliament
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Malta, Cyprus, Britain, Denmark, Sweden
Members of the EU that do not use the Euro currency.
Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Austria, Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia
Who are members of the European Union?
1992-1995 war with many atrocities that devastated areas of former Yugoslavia
Bosnian War
3 most economically unsuccessful former satellites
Albania, Bulgaria, Romania
Former Serb leader charged with war crimes; died before the end of his trial.
Slobodan Milosevic
After their dictator’s death, problems with orphans, AIDS, and the environment were revealed.
This country experienced the Velvet Divorce on 1/1/1993.
2 former Soviet republics that returned their nuclear weapons to Russia after the collapse of the USSR.
Ukraine and Kazakhstan
2 of 5 arms control agreements signed between the US and USSR 1970s-1990s
Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo
What are countries now located where Yugoslavia was?
Name of a former Communist area now popular as a tourist spot.
Croatia, Estonia, Russia
It finally happened on 11/9/1989.
What is the fall of the Berlin Wall?
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