Welcome to Chrome in the classroom!
Day 1-2 Today, we will outline, discuss, and practice the best practices for using Chromebooks in the classroom. We will also learn some useful features for Google Apps for Education (GAfE). Finally, we will sign up for our Google Classroom accounts and turn in our first artwork!
Step One: Best Practices On your table is a large sheet of paper and some markers. Divide your paper into four sections. Label section one: Hardware Disasters! Label section two: Hardware Rescues! Label section three: Online Disasters! Label section four: Online Rescues!
Step One: Practices As a group, brainstorm a list of ways the Chromebook itself may be damaged or mishandled in the classroom. As a group, brainstorm a list of behaviors students should follow to avoid these disasters! As a group, brainstorm a list of ways the Chromebook might be misused while students are online. As a group, brainstorm a list of ways students can avoid these pitfalls!
Step One: Practices Group One: You are the SMILEY Group. Group Two: You are the STAR Group. Group Three: You are the SUNSHINE Group. Group Four: You are the 100% Group. On my signal, each group will rotate and study the chart before them. Draw your group symbol beside any statement similar to one made by your group or any statement you feel is important.
Step One: Practices Return to your group and look at the symbols. Starting with group one, we will share and discuss the most common ideas on our charts. Are there any potential issues or solutions that we missed?
Step One: Practices Extension Once we have finished discussing classroom expectations, create an infographic with all of the important information. Use colors, emojis, and symbols to organize and highlight important information. The info doesn’t have to look like our charts… this is your own personal reminder, so BE CREATIVE! ^_^
Day 2 Warm up: When you get your paper from yesterday, continue drawing your infographic. Remember! It must feature the Chromebook Expectations, and it must be colorful! Everything else is all you! 2. Today, We will review our device guidelines, watch a tutorial with useful Chrome information, and set up our Google Classroom accounts!
Chromebook features This tutorial walks us through several Chromebook features. As you watch, feel free to explore features with the narrator. This video features a Chrome OS tutorial. This link features a Slide tutorial.
Google Classroom Go to Google Classroom. The class code is t2ajlw. At each table is a printed copy of the directions for signing on to Google Classroom and uploading an image of your work to the site. Go to Google Classroom. The class code is t2ajlw. Let’s follow the directions to upload our work.
Wrap Up Now that you have the Chromebook in hand, let’s explore the features. Work with your partner to upload your drawing and explore the apps on the Chromebook. Practice double-clicking, dragging and dropping, and scrolling!
Day 3 Today, we will finish our work and turn it in to Google Classroom. We will-- Finish our Art of Me drawings, Finish our Chromebook Expectations infographic, Log on to Google Classroom, and Upload a portfolio slide!
When you finish... Check out a book from the classroom library. Look in the Early Finish Folder for coloring sheets and drawing tutorials. Check out a book from the classroom library. Free Draw in your sketchbook.