Sergeant Randolph was the cruelest drillmaster in the regiment.
Ashley didn’t like the looks of the squash pudding but decided to eat some to please the cook.
Wanda’s hair was pink, and every pink hair stuck up from her head Wanda’s hair was pink, and every pink hair stuck up from her head. Underneath all that pink hair, though, was a pair of innocent blue eyes.
“Go wake up my sister. ” Lulu said. “Sure, Mom “Go wake up my sister?” Lulu said. “Sure, Mom. Just give me armor and a twenty-foot pole, and I’ll be set to go.”
Toni glanced around, then walked past the “No Trespassing” sign and into the woods.
Characterization The way the writer reveals characters– should make the characters seem real.
Direct Characterization When a writer tells us directly about a character. Example: Sergeant Randolph was the cruelest drillmaster in the regiment.
Indirect Characterization When the writer lets us decide for ourselves what kinds of characters we are meeting. 5 methods…
1. Appearance The writer describes the appearance of the character. Example: Wanda’s hair was pink, and every pink hair stuck up from her head. Underneath all that pink hair, though, was a pair of innocent blue eyes.
2. Actions The writer shows the character in action. Example: Toni glanced around, then tossed the empty soda can on the grass and kept walking.
3. Words Spoken The writer allows us to hear the characters speak. Example: “I don’t have to do what you say!” declared Darlene, pinching the baby sitter.
4. Thoughts and Feelings The writer reveals the character’s inner thoughts and feelings. Example: Ashley didn’t like the looks of the squash pudding but decided to eat some to please the cook.
5. Other’s Reactions The writer shows how other characters react to the character. Example: “Go wake up my sister?” Lulu said. “Sure, Mom. Just give me armor and a twenty-foot pole, and I’ll be set to go.”
Also… Motivation What makes people behave the way they do… love, hate, jealousy, fear, etc. In writing, we often get clues to character’s motives that help us understand why they do the things they do.