G. Pierce Woods State Mental Hospital Closing: Impact to Pinellas County Timothy L. Boaz, Ph.D Florida Mental Health Institute University of South Florida 1/21/03
Year of Discharge by Discharge Group Admitted from Outside Discharged Into Pinellas Admitted from Pinellas Discharged Out of Pinellas Total 1995 16 14 30 1996 19 12 31 1997 33 1998 13 9 22 1999 32 41 2000 34 46 2001 25 11 36 2002 2 153 88 241
County of Admission vs. County of Discharge (1995 - 1998) (missing) To Outside Pinellas Co. Into Total 28 4 32 Not from 205 6,567 62 6,834 From 7 54 289 350 240 6,625 351 7,216
County of Admission vs. County of Discharge (1999-2002) (missing) To Outside Pinellas Co. Into Total 5 1 6 Not from 430 4,953 91 5,474 From 4 34 154 192 439 4,988 245 5,672
Age by Discharge Group (1995 - 1998) Admitted from Outside Discharged Into Pinellas Admitted from Pinellas Discharged Out of Pinellas Total Less than 20 2 20-29 8 16 30-39 18 20 38 40-49 12 30 50-59 10 60-69 3 5 70-79 1 4 80 or over 62 54 116
Age by Discharge Group (1999 - 2002) Admitted from Outside Discharged Into Pinellas Admitted from Pinellas Discharged Out of Pinellas Total Less than 20 2 20-29 18 20 30-39 21 12 33 40-49 32 7 39 50-59 19 60-69 4 3 70-79 1 80 or over 91 34 125
Hospital Program by Discharge Group (1995 - 1998) Admitted from Outside Discharged Into Pinellas Admitted from Pinellas Discharged Out of Pinellas Total Forensic 10 6 16 Civil 52 48 100 62 54 116
Hospital Program by Discharge Group (1999 - 2002) Admitted from Outside Discharged Into Pinellas Admitted from Pinellas Discharged Out of Pinellas Total Forensic 7 3 10 Civil 84 31 115 91 34 125