The effect of a carbonate sink on the isotopic composition of soil CO2 Jonathan G. Wynn & Jennifer Chelladurai, Department of Geology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 Keeling plot model of diffusion-production-equilibrium of respired with atmospheric CO2: We modified the boundary conditions of the Cerling (1984) diffusion-production-equilibrium model of soil CO2 to account for a 13C-enriched sink of soil carbonate: Synthetic soil profiles incubated with C3 and C4 litter show [CO2] and 13C values inconsistent with diffusional mixing of heterotrophically-respired CO2 with atmospheric CO2(solid black lines). Our data are consistent with our modified model including a sink of 13C-enriched CO2 at in “developing Bk” horizons (red dashed lines). Cerling, T. E. 1984. The stable isotopic composition of soil carbonate and its relationship to climate. Earth Planet. Sci. Lettr. 71, 229–240.