Collaboration among Ministry Leaders
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is one body of believers drawn together by the cohesive power of the blood of Jesus. Each believer must be conserved, discipled and deployed to fulfill the gospel commission.
For effectiveness, the various ministries that comprise the body need to collaborate.
Collaboration is a process through which ministries of the Church combine their material and human resources to accomplish goals and objectives otherwise impossible to achieve.
This seminar considers principles of collaboration necessary to achieve unity and fulfillment of purpose.
Leadership in Departmental/Ministries Collaboration. For the ministries of the Church to collaborate and experience effectiveness in fulfilling shared goals, intentional leadership processes are necessary.
The Church Board must ensure that the pastor, elders and ministry leaders provide such leadership.
Disciplined and dynamic exchanges of information among leaders Participative decision-making Flexibility for the attaining of shared goals
The Inter-dependence of the Ministries of the Church. Each ministry exists to reap and nurture souls. Ministries overlap in function in dealing with the same group of individuals.
Each ministry utilizes the same equipment, materials, furnishings and resources of the Church.
Church officers serve in multiple ministries. Shared gifts and talents are needed by individual ministries.
Inter-departmental Communication. a. The need for frequent dialogue b. The importance of structured dialogue c. Regular discussions and feedback
d. Note taking and documentation of meetings e. Principles of effective organizational communication
Planning Strategically. a. Determine the mission, vision and values of each ministry. b. Identify specific goals and objectives to be accomplished by each ministry.
c. Establish the commonalities or shared goals or objectives between each ministry. d. Develop, determine or identify initiatives to achieve established goals and objectives.
e. Highlight compatible ministry initiatives and group them. f e. Highlight compatible ministry initiatives and group them. f. Determine methodology and technology necessary to execute initiatives.
g. Develop schedules to execute initiatives that are compatible to various ministries. h. Develop implementation priorities or procedures. i. Establish evaluation protocols.
Efforts in Collaboration. a. Creating a supportive environment b. Elements necessary for ministry leaders to work together c. Shared responsibilities
d. Working as a team e. Celebrate success f. Teamwork and individual performance incentive
Collaboration between ministries and ministry leaders in the Church should not be optional but the norm. With the various ministries and leaders functioning collaboratively, the Church will grow both qualitatively and quantitatively.
It will have a catalyzing, transforming effect on the wider community and the social and spiritual lives of both members and community residents who are not members, will be intentionally targeted for improvement.