ORIENTATION FOR NEW MEMBERS Agriculture Union ORIENTATION FOR NEW MEMBERS Welcome to the Agriculture Union. During this presentation I wish to present you with an overview of your union. Each of you have a package. During this presentation we will go through the info kit and hopefully fill in any gaps and answer any questions that you might have.
Overview Who are our members Your Union Your Local Structure Welcome to the Agriculture Union’s overview of your union’s core activities. Who are our members Your Union Your Local Structure Local Roles and Responsibilities National Union Structure Agriculture Union Roles and Responsibilities PSAC Roles and Responsibilities Union Membership and Dues Collective Agreements Your Rights Our Union’s Position Useful Links
Members of Agriculture Union work for: Canadian Food Inspection Agency Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Canadian Grain Commission Canadian Dairy Commission Public Service Commission Department of National Defence (language training) Canada School of Public Service
Your Union You are a member of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) You are a member of the Agriculture Union a component of PSAC You are a member of your Local You are the Union as we are worker driven
Your Local Structure President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Executive Responsible for Health & Safety ___________ Stewards______ Executive Responsible for Human Rights Regional Vice-President___________________ all local positions elected at local annual general meeting
Union Structure In your kit you will find this diagram; Get participants to get this out. Go through this box by box. Explain the relationships as they pertain to the member. Brief overview more detail in the subsequent slides.
Roles and Responsibilities of Your Local General Membership Meetings Union Education Communication Grievances Negotiations (bargaining demands, essential services, ratification vote, strike, etc.) Health & Safety Union Management Consultation Committee (UMC) meetings In your kit you will find a form with these headings. These are the people who the members (you) elect to look after your interests. Their names should be posted on the Union notice board at your worksite. This is the member’s first point of contact. Explain the roles of each within the Local. Each worksite should have one or more Steward(s) who is/are elected by their peers. Depending on the Local, the Steward may or may not be a member of the Local Executive. Some Locals may also have Directors (an example of a director would be Director of Equal Opportunities).
Roles and responsibilities of the Agriculture Union (National) Consultation with the Employer Grievances - Final level Presentation National Union-Management Consultation Committee (NUMC) National Policy Committee on Health & Safety (NOSH) Political Action Collective Bargaining Communications Human Rights Employment Equity National Council Conventions and Conferences Essential Services / Exclusions For more information, please visit www.agrunion.com Briefly explain each point.
Roles and responsibilities of the Public Service Alliance of Canada Collective Bargaining Education Political Action Communication Representation (at Federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board) Job Classification Human Rights Social Justice Fund Health and Safety Organizing For more information, please visit www.psacunion.ca Briefly explain each point and the difference in role from that of the Agriculture Union.
Union Membership and Dues Dues are compulsory as everyone benefits from services (Rand decision) PSAC, AU, and Local dues Deducted from Pay – Tax deductible Rates set at conventions every 3 years Local rates sets at Annual General Meeting Must sign a card to hold union office **your membership card will be mailed to you**
Collective Agreement Contract negotiated between the union and the employer Obligations on both parties Rights for members Salary rates and applications for members Terms and Conditions of Employment Copies available from employer
Your Rights Right to participate in Union activities Right to representation before management on employment issues Right to participate in OHS and safe workplace Right to strike when notified by PSAC Right to current job description Right to harassment/violence free workplace
Union Position Union has a zero tolerance for harassment or bullying in all workplaces and in the union Notify your supervisor of any incident and contact your Union representative Report any observations of others to your Supervisor Take Leadership for a Respectful workplace
Useful Links Agriculture Union : http://www.agrunion.com/ PSAC: http://www.psacunion.ca PSAC Regional Offices: Atlantic: http://psacatlantic.ca/ British Columbia: http://psacbc.com/ National Capital Region: http://www.psac-ncr.com/ Ontario: http://ontario.psac.com/ Prairies: http://prairies.psac.com/ Québec: http://afpcquebec.com/ Agriculture Union By Laws: http://www.agrunion.com/resources/bylaws-and-regulations/ Treasury Board: https://www.canada.ca/en.html National Joint Council: http://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/ Public Service Labour Relations Board: http://pslreb-crtefp.gc.ca/index_e.asp Collective agreements: Treasury Board - Program and Administrative Services (AS, CM, CR, DA, IS, OE, PM, ST, WP) Treasury Board - Operational Services (FR, HP, HS, GL, GS, LI, SC, PR-S) Treasury Board - Technical Services (DD, EG, GT, PI, PY, TI) Treasury Board - Education and Library Science (ED, EU, LS) Canadian Food Inspection Agency Have the participants take the appropriate sheet from their kit. Explain that the Agriculture Union represents both Treasury Board members and CFIA members.
Thank You www.agrunion.com