Hookah And The Bad Things It does To You By: The Orange Rough Riders
What is a Hookah? Hookah has a pipe of water connected to the flavors it contains. The pipe is where people blow in the smoke.
What Hookah does to you. kills brain cells. Makes you high Weakens your lungs Causes bad breath. Hookah is the same thing as a cigarette and comes in flavors , but they are still very harmful for your body.
What's inside of hookah They come in cherry, blueberry, pineapple, apple ,and many more fruit flavors. It contains lots of bad chemicals. It has a water pipe where you could put your mouth on it and start smoking it .
Why Do People Smoke Hookah? They think it’s good because of the flavors it contains. They want to be like everyone who's smoking it. They think it’s fun to share hookah with their friends and with different pipes. People may have seen advertisements that may influence them to smoke hookah.
Be Aware When You Are Smoking Hookah Because... You’re showing a bad example to your kids. You’re hurting your self in many ways. You’re killing your lungs. You could cause second hand smoking to younger people and some will be affected more. And if you think you’re being cool when smoking hookah, you wrong! Your absolutely not!
Thank you for watching! :] * Remember , the next time someone offers you hookah say , “No!”