Environmental Issues China and India=EPA Project This template can be used as a starter file to give updates for project milestones. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. Notes Use the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables. SS7G10 Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers b. Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China
November 15, 2018 Environmental Issues What are the main environmental issues in the world today? What were the environmental issues in in Middle East? Water pollution Unequal distribution of water-irrigation and drinking water
Environmental Issues What were the environmental issue in Africa? November 15, 2018 Environmental Issues What were the environmental issue in Africa? Unequal distribution of water Deforestation Desertification What do you think the issues will be in S. & E. Asia?
Water and Air Pollution China & India November 15, 2018 Water and Air Pollution China & India China: Air pollution Beijing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSyc72cE32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1DNjJd2YfA India:Ganges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogyrBXvm7tg
November 15, 2018 China
November 15, 2018 India
EPA Project Groups of 3 Choice of country- China or India November 15, 2018 EPA Project Groups of 3 Choice of country- China or India Choice of topic: Flooding in Water Pollution Air Pollution Homework- bring photos On your topic
Group Work Day 1 Group assignments-3 students November 15, 2018 Group Work Day 1 Group assignments-3 students Choose country-China or India Choose(vote) Flooding in Water Pollution Air Pollution Write students name/topic on group rubric Mission notes- each student read and complete their Mission notes Homework-finish mission notes
Day 2- Group Work-Peer teaching November 15, 2018 Day 2- Group Work-Peer teaching Debriefing Notes each students must write other topics info-everything Debriefing-MUST INCLUDE Describe issue Causes Seriousness of problem Effects-people/economy Action by government Your solution Bring your4 photos Monday-poster
Day 3-Poster Day Bring photos from home-can’t print in class November 15, 2018 Day 3-Poster Day Bring photos from home-can’t print in class Individual work-your topic 2.All work on white paper 3.You may cut in to shapes 4.Your name must be on all paper 5.Marker, sharpies, glue etc on back table 6.Last –big paper title and glue your part on to poster
Day 4-Peer teaching 15 minutes to finish group poster November 15, 2018 Day 4-Peer teaching 15 minutes to finish group poster China will meet with India-show your poster China will go 1st- Debriefing notes copied by India India will go 2nd -Debriefing notes copied by China Presentations: Debriefing notes must be completed for other country—Problem, causes and effects ALL-for a grade
November 15, 2018 Poster Turn In Each student staple --Rubric on top then-Mission notes, Debriefing sheet Group collect all work that is stapled –rubric on top Folder poster in ¼’s and paper clip rubrics Put your name on everything-poster, individual work
Summative Assessment Write 1 sentence for each statement(total 5). November 15, 2018 Summative Assessment Write 1 sentence for each statement(total 5). Skip a line between sentences. Underline the cause once and the effect twice-NO UNDERLINE NO CREDIT 1. Describe 1 cause and 1 effect of water pollution on the Yangtze River. 2. Describe 1 cause and 1 effect of water pollution on the Ganges River. 3. Describe 1 cause and 1 effect of flooding in China. 4. Describe 1 cause and 1 effect of flooding in India. 5. Name and describe the air pollution in Asia, include one cause and one effect. 6.Choose 1-5 write a statement-How does this issue affect the way people live in this country.
November 15, 2018November 15, 2018