What events triggered the First World War? LO: To understand why Germany and England went to war. BLP: Persevering Comm: Reading Stick in your homework.
Starter - lower The war started in 1914,how many years ago was that? Name the two alliances. Name the 3 countries in each alliance.
Starter - higher Match the keywords with the correct meaning. Militarism Groups of nations that agree to back each other up in war. Alliances To love your country and think it is superior to others. Imperialism To take great pride in your country’s armed forces. Nationalism To gain control of land and people around the world and build an empire.
Unhappy anniversary- use P16 and 17 in your text books- read p16 in your text books. On the 28th June, the heir to the kingdom of Austria-Hungary (Archduke Franz Ferdinand) arrived in the Bosnian city of Sarajevo. It was his wedding anniversary, so he was joined on the visit by his wife, Sophia. Bosnia was part of Austria-Hungary but only since 1908 when it had been conquered. Many Bosnians were still deeply unhappy about this. They wanted to join with their neighbours, Serbia, and many Serbians, known as the ‘Black Hand’, decided to take drastic action to highlight their cause – they planned to assassinate the Archduke. His visit to Sarajevo was the perfect opportunity.
Activity Match the correct statement to the cartoon strip. Stick them on. Add illustrations to support your cartoon strip. Video Video p2 Video p3
The lead up to War! 1. Ferdinand is shot 2. Austria blames Serbia for helping the Black Hand. 3. Austria wanted to attack and take over Serbia – to punish them. 4. Serbia call on Russia to help. 5. Austria know they wont be able to beat Russia so call on Germany to help. 6. Germany see the excuse they need for war so agree. 7. France doesn’t like this so get involved. 8. Germany decides to attack France via Belgium. 9. Britain has agreement with Belgium that if anybody attacked, Britian would attack the attacker.
Activity What was the first trigger of the First World War?
Activities - Higher Read through all your work so far and list all the causes for the First World War you can find. Choose two colours and produce a key 1st colour – long term effects 2nd colour – short term effects
Plenary and homework. In your opinion do you think Gavrilo Princip started WW1? Explain your answer. Remember PEEL- and attempt a balanced answer.