Agricultural Farms Large Farms Medium Farms Occupy more than 25 ha Mainly one crop grown Geared for export Managed by corporations or government Skilled & semi-skilled workers Highly mechanized 2.5-25 ha Owned and operated by individual farmers Manual labour intensive Little or no mechanization Small Farms Less than 0.5 ha Owned and operated by farmer and his family Usually utilize family labour Produce is for local market Simple tools used
Agricultural Farms Crop Farms Livestock Farm Small to medium Produce a variety of crops for local and possible exportation. Some mechanization involved. Some labour is hired. Nursery shed and equipment for the production of seedlings. Depending on the type of enterprise it can be small, medium or large. Owned and operated by an individual, group, or government. Production is usually for domestic market. Animal pens pastures and herding area very evident.
Agricultural Farms Mixed Farms Produce both crops and livestock. Medium to large in size. Production is basically for the local market. Owned and operated by individuals, groups and governments
Mixed cropping Tow to three different types of crops are grown in the same piece of land Farmer has income coming from different sources Less risk
Excess crops used to feed livestock Integrated Farms Large to medium in size Produce both crops and livestock. Farm is designed that there is interdependence on others. E,g livestock manure used to fertilize crops Livestock waste Excess crops used to feed livestock Fertilize crops
Integrated Farm
Mono-cropping This is where the same crop is planted on the same piece of land year after year. The farmer has one source of income If a pest or disease attack the whole crop may be destroyed. Large area of land used Greater risk Sugarcane Wheat/Corn
Inter-Cropping This is a cropping system where two or more plants are grown in close proximity to each other The two crops should have different maturity dates The farmer has more than one source of income. The farmer risk is minimize
Subsistence Farming In this farming system the farmer has a regular income, however he usually plant a small garden or rear a few animals for home use. The extra produce from his farm is sold in the market
Sugarcane Feed Centre Mixed farming involved - Aquaculture - Cattle rearing (Beef) - Pig Production - Rabbit Rearing - Poultry Production (Duck) - crop production Owned and operated by the government Livestock research
Prepare a Group lesson Plan Activity Describe the activities in the different farms shown List some of the products from these farms Prepare a Group lesson Plan