Depression and New Deal Unit 8: Normalcy, Depression, and War
Hoover and the Great Depression What caused the Great Depression? (Hint: there are multiple causes) How did Hoover respond? Why didn’t these initiatives help? In what ways might they have made things worse? How does Hoover’s response to economic hardship compare to previous presidents?
Bonus Army camp
Bonus Army
Election of 1932
Democratic “New Deal Coalition” the Democratic party big city machines labor unions ethnic immigrants, Catholics, Jews blacks most farmers intellectuals white southerners
FDR’s First Inaugural Address I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption. But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis—broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.
The New Deal Quickly read the information provided for one of the New Deal programs. In the “Identify” column, list key details/info about that program. In the final two columns, sketch out a response. Remember analyze means Consider cause and effect Ask how and why Be prepared to present a brief overview of the program and your response to the class.
Agricultural Adjustment Act
National Industrial Recovery Act
Wagner (Labor Relations) Act
Franklin Roosevelt Social Security (2:00) Social Security Act Franklin Roosevelt Social Security (2:00)
“Fireside Chats”
Fr. Charles Coughlin “I believe that when a banker speaks, you can go the opposite way and be right. That has been proved in recent years.” (1934) “Roosevelt has a poor brand of Russian communism ... I think it is significant the leaders among the communists of the world never once attacked international bankers. Roosevelt will not touch that subject.” (1935)
Dr. Francis Townsend “It is estimated that the population of the age of 60 and above in the United States is somewhere between nine and twelve millions. I suggest that the national government retire all who reach that age on a monthly pension of $200 a month or more, on condition that they spend the money as they get it.”
Huey Long (The “Kingfish”) The “Share Our Wealth” plan 1. No person would be allowed to accumulate a personal net worth of more than 100 to 300 times the average family fortune, which would limit personal assets to between $1.5 and $5 million. Income taxes would be levied to ensure this. Taxes would be assessed on all persons with a net worth exceeding $1 million. 2. Every family was to be guaranteed an annual family income of at least $2,000 to $2,500, or not less than one-third of the average annual family income in the United States. Yearly income, however, cannot exceed more than 100 to 300 times the size of the average family income.
Huey Long (The “Kingfish”) 3. An old-age pension would be made available for all persons over 60. 4. To balance agricultural production, the government would store surpluses. This is so no food is wasted. 5. Veterans are paid what they are owed. 6. Education and training for all children to be equal in opportunity in all schools, colleges, and vocational institutions. 7. The raising of revenue and taxes for the support of this program was to come from the reduction of swollen fortunes from the top, as well as for the support of public works to give employment whenever there may be any slackening necessary in private enterprise.
Essay How radical was the New Deal? To what extent was it a continuation of the progressive reform impulse? To what extent was it a departure from progressivism?