Roman History 500-390
Cincinnatus the Dictator Not a bad thing; actually a hero Had previously been a consul Rome vs Aequi in 458 Consul trapped on Mt. Algidus Chosen as dictator One guy in charge for 6 months Senators find him on his farm
What’s Next for Cincinnatus? Took 16 days to win the war & come back of 6 month term; what do you think he does next? Gives up power and goes back to farming American president who gave up his position? “American Cincinnatus” – George Washington Selfless service Order of the Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH
Conflict of the Orders Plebeians (plebs) vs. patricians Poor vs. rich Patricians hold all the legal power too Senators (gotta be rich) create laws Judges speaking oral law Plebeians don’t even know if things are made up
First Secession of the Plebs - 494 Background: Plebeians feel like the patricians have too much power to create laws; could hurt the plebeians Mons Sacer – sacred mountain Menenius Agrippa’s story Tribunes Veto power Sacrosanct
Second Secession of the Plebs - 449 Background: inconsistent rulings by patrician judges; plebeians want to see the laws written down Decemviri – Ten Men – slow to write them One tries to kidnap a freeborn girl Plebeians go back to the mountain The Twelve Tables Bronze tablets in the forum Laws written on them What would be their significance?
Rome vs. Veii, 406-396 BC Veii as powerful as Rome; fortified on a hill Camillus is made dictator In through the sewer! Overpopulation at Rome; Camillus grows unpopular Opposes resettlement Convicted of embezzlement Banished and fined Rome controls Etruria to the north
Rome vs. Brennus Rome’s therefore responsible for Etruria Brennus & the Senones, a tribe from Gaul Rome tries to help Etruria Battle of Allia River – 390 BC Rome besieged; Capitoline Hill
Geese, Woe, and Camillus Messenger sent to Camillus; route revealed Juno’s sacred geese save the day Rome sacked and records burned Settlement; weighted scales Brennus: “Vae victis” – woe to the conquered Camillus arrives and chases the Gauls away “second Romulus” or “second founder of Rome”
From here… Historians free to fudge prior details Rome recovers very quickly and finds itself in a lot of wars Conquers the Mediterranean within about 300 years