EQAVET Erasmus+ project Sweden
Background In order to harmonise the education with national and local needs there are programme councils to facilitate a dialogue between education and stakeholders. At a national level, there are in all 13 national programme councils that assist the National Agency for Education in designing and quality assuring the vocational outcomes of the VET programmes. The national programme councils have an ongoing structured consultation process with the trades and industries.
Dialogue with stakeholders For each vocational programme and national programme council there are 10-12 members that represent a broad cross-section of industry representatives and social partners in the vocational area for which the programme provides education and training. The programme councils are not decision-making bodies, instead they fulfil a consultative function.
Problem One often expressed view from the world of work is that students are not well enough prepared for their working life when they graduate from upper secondary school and that they have not had enough experience of vocational training.
Transversal skills vs. particular industry needs Adaptability to future changes Specific skills, employability
Objective Exploration of how indicators can be used to monitor the effectiveness of quality assurance approaches, in particular in providing feedback from various stakeholders at system level. Survey quality-assurance mechanisms in other European countries to learn from them.
Activties Autumn 2017-spring 2018: Study visits in Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Croatia. PLA Stockholm Autumn 2018: Study visits in the Netherlands, France. Final report
PLA PLA Stockholm, 17-18 september 2018. 30 participants, travel costs, meals and accomodation. Focus on stakeholders / mechanism to identify training needs in the labour market The work of the National Programme Councils in IVET (national conference – interpretors) Higher Vocational Education/study visit national agency and provider level