Factors Affecting Climate
Factors Affecting Climate L :Latitude rays of sun & how it strikes the earth low latitudes get sun year-round (hot all year) Middle latitudes (tropics to poles) are temperate Great temperature shifts True seasonal changes High latitudes (Arctic & Antarctic Circles) – Cold all year
Factors Affecting Climate E: Elevation atmosphere gets thinner thinner air retains less heat…not as dense as altitude increases
Factors Affecting Climate M: Mountain Barriers Orographic effect (Rain shadow) Winds with moisture cool as they move up the mountain and dry out – windward side Weather patterns weaken or are even stopped as they move across the mountains – leeward side
Factors Affecting Climate P: Proximity (closeness) to water Water slower to heat than land, so land near water has consistent temperature Affected by landforms Tilt of the Earth on its access also play a part
Factors Affecting Climate O: Ocean currents Rivers flowing in the ocean - Cold and warm streams of water move through oceans (based on earth’s rotation, differences in water temperature, and change in air pressure). Warm waters flow away from the Equator toward the poles; cold water back toward the Equator Wind and ocean currents distribute the sun’s heat through CONVECTION (heat rises…) Global wind patterns work the same way Direct influence on precipitation Prevailing Westerlies Trade Winds Doldrums Trade Winds Prevailing Westerlies
Factors Affecting Climate S: Storms El Nino (boy with the warm heart) Weather pattern Seasonal rains in the Americas Drought in Australia/Asia Every 2-7 years La Nina (girl with the cold heart) Reverse of El Nino Flooding around and toward India Drier on the coasts Certain geographical areas receive more storms than others Hurricane vs. typhoon Tornado Alley