Extended Back Treatment --- Play better --- Feel Stronger --- This is for the Neck & Shoulders. -- The finger is on the opposite side, --Or, you can simply hold their hand on the same side. --Hold for 1 or 2 minutes, massage at both points if desired 3rd placement 2nd placement 1st placement --- Recover Faster ---
What you have in your hand is an overview of Reflex areas of the body that have been used for many centuries for the relief of pain and discomfort resulting from not only the daily activities of life, but also from injuries and accidents. Many peoples have used these points to simply keep up their energy in parts of the body that have been subjected to activities beyond normal limits. Recently , current evidence based research has shown that these Reflex’ can have a positive result on events that are sustained in Sports Activities and can have a significant effect on recovery from overuse, strains, sprains and muscle trauma from injuries. Here are the Rellex & Acu-Points that have be used for specific body areas. Low Back Pain ‘Quick-Treat’ 30-60 seconds each Point. Chronic pain = Combine with extended back method on back cover ANKLE ACHILLES BACK ELBOW FINGER HAND FOOT KNEE KNEECAP THIGH HAMSTRING CALF SHIN SPLINTS NECK SHOULDER BICEPS THUMB WRIST Treat affected Body part for 30 to 60 seconds. Also , Treat opposite body part for 10 – 15 seconds to balance Body energy The information and diagrams that are shown here are for informational use only. Since it is beyond the scope of the publisher or provider of this material to control how or in what manner it may be used or applied, neither publisher, provider or anyone associated with distribution shall be liable for any action or non-action by the individual in possession of the booklet.
. . . . . . . Ankle Sprain Wrist & Thumb Strain & Pain Inner side Treat affected Body part for 30 to 60 seconds. Also , Treat opposite body part for 10 – 15 seconds to balance Body energy . . . Inner side . . Outer side . Treat affected Body part for 30 to 60 seconds. Also , Treat opposite body part for 10 – 15 seconds to balance Body energy Achilles tendon The tendon may be stroked and massaged on both sides.
Elbow Strain Knee Strain Treat affected Body part for 30 to 60 seconds. Also , Treat opposite body part for 10 – 15 seconds to balance Body energy Treat affected Body part for 30 to 60 seconds. Also , Treat opposite body part for 10 – 15 seconds to balance Body energy
Foot Strain & Weakness Finger & Hand Strain & Weakness . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calf Strain Shoulder Strain Shin Splints Treat affected Body part for 30 to 60 seconds. Also , Treat opposite body part for 10 – 15 seconds to balance Body energy . . . . . . --If right handed Treat all points for better control as well as increase of strength. --If left handed, treat the left arm. - ‘Quick-Treat’ - 10 seconds each point For the most painful spots, Treat for 1 minute . . . Shin Splints . . . .