Voices- PowerPoint 40-60 months This powerpoint can be used to support the teaching of ‘Speaking’ targeted towards the 40-60 month age band. www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Teachers Tips This is a great way to build confidence and encourage speaking and listening skills. Gather the children in a small circle and get them to introduce themselves e.g. my name is…….. Now they must do this in a different kind of way. Look at the different characters and see if they can say their name in a different voice. Top tip- As the Teacher model how to say your name in each character first. This will help guide the children. www.earlybirdyeducation.com
My name is……………. www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Mouse voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Monster voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Witches voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Baby voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Sad voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Scared voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Giants voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Mummy voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com
Daddy voice www.earlybirdyeducation.com