By Eva Arce James Bowie High School Austin, Texas Literary Movements By Eva Arce James Bowie High School Austin, Texas 11/15/2018 Arce
Oral Tradition Repetition Parallel structure Song chants to a regular beat Lessons about values and ideals of culture Archetypes 11/15/2018 Arce
Puritans Preoccupation with sin and salvation Serious self-examination Strong belief in education Belief in original sin Belief in Satan and witches as real evil Plain style of writing Spiritual over material Reference to ordinary everyday objects 11/15/2018 Arce
Rationalism or Classicism Reason prevails Focused on politics and the nature of government Interest in scientific experiments Belief that people are basically good Practical thinkers Formal , ornate language Optimism Satire Return to the classics 11/15/2018 Arce
Romanticism Emphasis on nature Emphasis on personal feelings and emotion Emphasis on the strength of the common man Settings are long ago and far away Interest in folk literature, music, and art Interest in the mysterious and the supernatural Optimism 11/15/2018 Arce
Transcendentalism Glory of nature Emphasis on the goodness of humanity Belief that truth is reached through intuition Belief in tolerance & the brotherhood of man Focus on the human spirit Belief in an over-soul Optimism 11/15/2018 Arce
Realism Emphasis on the struggle of man Belief that man is basically selfish Conflict between man’s instincts and desires against his reason Settings are here and now Local color Cause and effect Pessimism 11/15/2018 Arce
Naturalism Emphasis on the survival of the fittest Objective description and documentation Frankness in detail Amoral attitude of author Philosophy of determinism 11/15/2018 Arce
Naturalism-cont. Animalistic or neurotic characters Dialogue in dialects Genetic view of social and intellectual background Portrayal of seamy sides of life Pessimism 11/15/2018 Arce