Film/Video Production RULES FOR PTA REFLECTIONS:Entries Due Nov 20th - Each entry must be the original work of ONE student -Students may enter more than one category. Each submission needs it own entry form. - All entries MUST include a Title and Artist Statement. - No name on front of entries. - Judging in five categories: Primary; Intermediate; Middle; High and Special Artist .- Complete rules, information and forms are available on the school website under the Parent tab and then PTA. Visual Arts Visual Arts entries include drawing, painting or collage; photographic collage; metal etching; punch work; fiber work or computer generation. All artwork must be flat and mounted on a sturdy board not exceeding more than 3/8 inch thickness (do not roll your artwork) Entries May Not exceed 24 x 30 inches including mounting/ matting No name on front; place name on back of artwork Place entry form in manila envelope and tape to the back of the artwork. Literature Literature entries may be Poetry, Drama, Essay, Narrative or Short Story Entries MAY NOT exceed 2,000 words Handwritten or typed entries are acceptable (one sided only) using 8 ½ “ by 11” paper Student’s name MAY NOT appear on front page (print name on the back of each page) and number all pages. Submit the original and two copies with entry form in a manila envelope Non English students may submit an entry in their own language accompanied with an interpretive translation in English Photography Photo can be black & white or color single photo taken by student. Photomontage, multiple exposure, and photogram also accepted Prints MAY NOT exceed 11” by 14”, including mat. Mount all prints on a cardboard mat, poster board or other sturdy material No frames of any kind. No graphics/ lettering on photo No name on front; place name on back of photo Place entry forms in a manila envelope and tape to the back of the photograph. Dance Choreography Any form of Dance is acceptable. The student may be the performer or one of the performers, but does not have to be. Entries MUST NOT exceed 5 minutes/ 1GB Accepted file formats include: AVI, MOV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, WMV, FLV and F4V. Label CD/DVD/flash drive with title of artwork, arts category, and division. Background music must be cited on the student entry form Label CD/DVD/flash drive with title of artwork, arts category and division. (no name) Place video (cased for disc) and entry form in manila envelope. Film/Video Production Film/Video entries may be animation, documentary, narrative or multimedia The student must be the director, screenwriter, camera person and editor. MUST NOT exceed 5 minutes/ 1 GB. Accepted file formats include: AVI, MOV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, WMV, FLV and F4V Background music must be cited on the student entry form Label CD/DVD/flash drive with title of artwork, arts category and division. (no name) Place video (cased for disc ) and entry form in manila envelope. Musical Composition Musical compositions may be voice, instrument or combined voice and instrument. Score size (not mandatory) not to exceed 8 ½” x 11” Entries MUST NOT exceed 5 min/ 1GB. Accepted audio file formats include: MP3, MP4, WMA, WAV, ACC (M4A) and FLAC Label CD/DVD/flash drive with title of artwork, arts category and division (no name) Place music (cased for disc) and score and entry form in a manila envelope. For tips and further details of rules please visit