Interstate Operations Study Planning + Simulation Fargo-Moorhead Metro COG Wade E. Kline, AICP
Interstate Operations Study Study Intent Depict existing freeway operations: I-94 & 1-29 Metro Area Model existing conditions (2008), 2015, and 2035 planning horizons Identify deficiencies in relation to programmed/planned improvements Develop and analyze alternatives for preservation of existing investments Discuss options for bypass/beltway Understand relationship of regional dynamics and growth trends Two phase study, combines talents of local, state, and Federal agencies Metro COG assisted by Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC)
Interstate Operations Study Study Area
Interstate Operations Study Projected Population Growth 2015
Interstate Operations Study Phase I Finalize 2015 and 2035 Regional Demand Model (Pending) Interchange ramp and mainline counts (Complete) External Origin and Destination Survey (Pending) Construct Micro-simulation model of existing freeway system (Pending) Public Input (early input complete) Data Analysis and Issues Identification (complete) Preliminary Goals and Objective Work (complete) Preliminary Alternative Development (pending)
Interstate Operations Study Phase II To be determined … Development of Performance Measures Finalize Alternatives & Strategies Analyze Alternatives & Strategies Issues Analysis Development Policy Plan and Framework
Interstate Operations Study Planning Summary Emerging Issue Identification Freight Exurban Growth Job/HH Mismatch East-West Capacity ITS Infrastructure Balance (MN vs ND) & Funding Growth vs. new capacity Major Traffic Generators TDM Corridor Preservation
Interstate Operations Study Simulation Approach Effectively analyze critical areas Weaving sections, merge/diverge areas, control TDM (Cube) VISIM VISSIM Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) Overall Network Vehicle Trips, travel time, delay, etc Freeway Interchanges Movement volume, delay time, queue length Routes/Locations Vehicle trips, travel time, speed
Interstate Operations Study Simulation Outcome Existing and Future Projected Operations Identify Hot Spots Today and in the Future Test Policy and Programming Alternatives Test capacity, preservation, and policy Develop Performance Measures to track system operations