1. ACCESS NOUN—ENTRY; A MEANS OF GETTING TO SOMETHING A. This key provides ACCESS to my apartment. VERB---TO ENTER OR MAKE AVAILABLE B. You will need a password to ACCESS those computer files.
2. CACHE NOUN---A HIDING PLACE FOR SUPPLIES A. A badger was sleeping in the hollow log that the trapper used as a CACHE for his tools. NOUN---A HIDDEN SUPPLY OF GOODS OR VALUABLES B. The secret panel in the library concealed a CACHE of jewels.
3. CONSPICUOUS ADJECTIVE---NOTICEABLE; ATTRACTING ATTENTION Jeremy felt CONSPICUOUS in the bright orange mechanic’s jumper.
4. ELUSIVE ADJECTIVE---HARD TO GRASP OR CAPTURE He thought he had seen someone, but the ELUSIVE image vanished into the fog.
5. INTER VERB---TO BURY; TO PLACE IN A GRAVE It was Mark’s job to INTER the time capsule, not knowing if he would ever see it again.
6. INTRIGUE NOUN---A SECRET PLOT A. The nobles’ INTRIGUE ended with the king losing his throne. VERB---TO PLOT SECRETLY B. The spies INTRIGUED to obtain the valuable document. VERB---TO FASCINATE C. Although I didn’t fully understand it, I was INTRIGUED by the poem.
7. OBSCURITY NOUN—DARKNESS A. The child cried in fear, as she entered the OBSCURITY of the cave. NOUN---THE CONDITION OF BEING DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND B. The OBSCURITY of the literary references baffled most of the novel’s readers. NOUN---THE CONDITION OF BEING UNKNOWN OR NOT FAMOUS C. Many important inventors have lived in poverty and OBSCURITY.
8. SECLUDE VERB---TO SET APART; TO HIDE FROM VIEW Kayleigh often SECLUDES herself in her room to study for tests.
9. UNAVAILABLE ADJECTIVE---not at hand or not capable of being gotten; not ready for use Because hot water was UNAVAILABLE, we had to take cold showers.
10. UNEARTH VERB---TO BRING UP OUT OF THE EARTH OR FROM AN UNKNOWN PLACE; TO UNCOVER The office staff searched all day, hoping to UNEARTH the lost files.