Installation plans from mid 2005


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Presentation transcript:

Installation plans from mid 2005 ATLAS overview week Miikka Kotamäki Freiburg, 7th October 2004 ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 General In the July EB it was decided to start an informal task force to look at in details what can be done to accelerate the schedule in the first 6 months following the insertion of the barrel calorimeter. The task force had its first meeting 27th of July and since then has met roughly once a week. The following is a summary of a possible installation sequence worked out in the task force meetings. The sequence covers the period from completion of the BT in July ’05 to the end of the Calorimeter A assembly on the Truck in the beg of ’06. The sequence has also been implemented in a working schedule. All the working documents of the task force (including the working version of the schedule) are available on EDMS at: ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Starting point Our starting point is the mechanical completion of the Barrel Toroid in July ’05. By this time: Barrel Calorimeter is ready, tested with all possible services we can install. Toroid installation platforms are still in place. Jacks supporting the BT are still in place. Some Muon chambers (especially in bottom sectors 12, 13 and 14) are installed. Some cable trays, Muon rails and brackets of the access gangways have been installed on the coils/warm structure. Muon access gangways in sector 13 installed. Cryogenic lines installed in the bottom sector. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Barrel Toroid Installation Structures BT status in July ’05. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Status of barrel muons when BT mechanically completed 5 4 6 Muon Barrel status in July ’05. 3 7 Sectors 12, 14: - BMF (all) - BOG(6+) - BOF (4) Sector 13: - BOL(6?) - BML(6?) Sectors 2, 8, 10, 16: - BMS (all) 2 8 1 9 16 10 15 11 US USA 13 14 12 ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 From mid July onwards When the BT is mechanically assembled we move on to a hectic installation period which consists of parallel work almost all over the detector and the cavern. To simplify the planning of this period we have divided the next ~4 months (from mid July) in 5 short phases that are easier to manage. The length of the phases are from 2 to 4 weeks and they are marked with letters A-E. For this presentation I have also added 5th phase (F) which was discussed in the last two task force meetings and which covers the period from end Oct ’05 to Jan ’06. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase A: From mid July to mid August ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase A: From mid July to mid August Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 r U5 D13 During this PHASE : Jacks released -Central platforms dismounted -Part of the extended platforms -BT final survey 6 zones (in phi): - 4 quadrants - 2 vertical sec. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Release of jacks and partial removal of platforms Release jacks and remove top pilars Remove central platform and part of extended platforms to give space for the Barrel Cal and to create a gap for services installation at z=0. Release jacks ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase A: What else can be done during this phase? Mount cable trays on the warm structure, if not yet done. HS arches during the evening. Install some cryogenic transfer lines in Q1 and Q2. Install temporary new scaffolding to access bolting critical positions in Q1, U5, Q2 Prepare minivans on side A. Bring in the Solenoid Chimney before we push the Calorimeter in and fix it temporary ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 HS Arches The top part of the arches will be pre-assembled into 3 large sections, and equipped with platforms and cable trays if possible, already on surface. Already installed. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Barrel cryogenic lines in top sectors LAr fill line from expansion vessel and N2 lines from the valve box (located next to the expansion vessel) to z=0 will be placed asap. Manual welds at z=0 when calorimeter moved in. LAr fill line LN2 lines (2 per side) each containing internally three lines ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase B = Insertion of Barrel Calorimeter, end Aug ‘05 3 zones (in Z): A C I During this PHASE : - Move Barrel Calo inside Prepare and move in Minivans side C Side C lower and start Calo end-cap C A C Access scaffolding Minivans Barrel Calo inside, working platforms in place (4x2 minivans) ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

What else can be done during phase B Finish fixation of Solenoid Chimney & Control Dewar Remove truck A and install muon elevating platform A Install phi scaffolding on the surface of the barrel calorimeter Finish installation of the cable trays Start connecting up the cooling and vacuum pipes. Start connecting up the cryogenic lines Install the muon elevating platform on side C between the Truck and BT. This is a new idea and makes it possible to assemble end-cap calorimeter and install muon chambers in parallel on the same side. The platform has to be installed, operated and accessed above the rail line. Start installing BT busbars under the HS arches. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Muon installation platform On side C the platform is installed between the BT and Truck C. The platform cannot go below the rail level because of the bridge and rail extensions between the BT and Truck. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase C: From end Aug till mid Sep. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase C: From end Aug till mid Sep ’05. We can now start 4 main activities in parallel: Calo and ID services installation along the Barrel and exit at z=0 Start first putting in place the radial cable supports at z=0 Muon Barrel installation In the present scenario we can install chambers from both ends. Side A platform has access to the full face. Side C platform is put in between the BT and Truck C and has access only to sections above the rail height. Access gangways are installed where possible. Cryo lines connections + cryo services installation End-cap Calorimeter C assembly on the Truck ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Services along the Barrel and exit at z=0 Cable trays z=0 : First operation. Install all the support structures and z=0 cable trays at z=0 sector by sector in the order 5, 13, 3, 7, 9, 1 Install pipes from z=0 to cooling units (cal) and distribution racks (ID) on HS and make connections at z=0. LAr Services: in the order 5,13,3,7,9,1,15,11 Tile Cal Services: in the order 13,3,7,9,5,1,15,11 ID Services: in the order 5,13,3,7,9,1,15,11 Muon Services: install services in top sectors ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Services along the Barrel and exit at z=0 -All sectors install cable tray supports Install pipes and connect them at z=0 Install calo cables followed by ID cables sector by sector ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

ID services on cryostat flange and along the barrel Total 160 shifts estimated for the installation. Assuming 4 teams and 2 shifts per day on each side -> 1 week per sector, total 8 weeks. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Muon Barrel installation, step 1 Chambers before removal of the BT top platforms Must wait for 1 month before re-tightening the BT bolts and removing the platforms. Cannot start installing BMS chambers in sectors 4 and 6 before the platforms are removed -> try to do something else in between. BOS chambers: all on normal rails (If simpler install all from side A) BIS & BIL: If possible, insert first 3 chambers per side and park at large Z till services are in place. Can now be inserted from both sides no need to jump over at Z=0. The chambers can be later moved into their final positions without using elevating platform. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Muon Barrel installation, step 1 (cont.) Chambers before removal of the BT top platforms Inner layers: - Insert BIL & BIS 3/sect and keep them in parking position (sectors 4 & 6 full) Sectors 2,4,6,8: - BOS ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Muon gangways in BT The brackets for the access gangways in the BT coil will be installed where possible as the coil is assembled. After removing the BT coil jacks, and the barrel calorimeter put into position, the gangways and barrel muons will be installed as the BT assembly platforms are removed. Prototype platform received from Pakistan. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Gangways, platforms and ladders inside BT ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Connection of Barrel Cryogenic lines All the cryogenic lines inside BT are already installed while building it up or in phase A. In the same way all the lines along the Barrel Calorimeter up to z=0 are installed already on the Truck. As soon as the calorimeter is moved inside to its final position we can start connecting up the lines at z=0: LAr and LN2 lines on top of the cryostat FT vacuum lines on top LAr dump line on bottom Insulation vacuum lines on bottom ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Goals for phase C At the end of phase C : All barrel calorimeter cables are installed (but in many sectors still not connected up) Installation of the ID cables from PP1 to PP3 has started. All possible BIL,BIS chambers are either in the parking position or in the final position. All BOS chambers in top sectors installed. The cryo-ring is being connected in sector 5 at Z=0. Final servicing of BT bolts done. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase D: From mid Sep till end Sep ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Muon Barrel installation, step 2 Chambers after removal of BT top platforms First step: remove BT top platforms. Then, install BMS chambers in sectors 4 and 6 first after which aim at completing sector 5 asap. BMS chambers in sectors 4 & 6: Will be brought in from Sector 5. Sector 5: As soon as calo & ID services installed at z=0 finish BIL. When BMS in sectors 4 & 6 done install all BML, EIL4 and BOL. Might still need to leave a gap for services at Z=0. Sectors 3 & 7: Install all BOL (possibly on extended rails to leave a gap for services). The first 3 BML chambers could also be installed at this stage but it seems better to wait and install full sectors at one go once the ID services through Muons are done and all BIL chambers installed. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Muon Barrel installation, step 2 Chambers after removal of the BT top platforms Sectors 4, 6: - BMS installed from 5 Sector 5: -As soon as Calo & ID services installed finish BIL. When BMS in sectors 4 & 6 done, install all BML, EIL4 and BOL - install gangways Sectors 3, 7: - BOL - install gangways 5 4 6 3 7 ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Endcap flexible cryogenic lines The contractor will continue installing Endcap cryogenic lines as soon as the Barrel cryo lines are installed and connected. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Goals for phase D At the end of phase D : In top sectors 4, 5, and 6 all chambers are installed with their services. 50% of the ID cables from PP1 to PP3 installed. Probably sectors 5, 13, 3, 7 done The first 3 BIL chambers in final positions in sectors 5, 13, 3, 7 + the BIS chambers in the neighbouring sectors (full sectors?) Phi scaffolding removed where possible ID cabling from PP2 to PP3 done ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Phase E: ~ October ‘05 ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Removal of lateral platforms & Muon installation Lateral platforms provide good access in many areas and should therefore kept in place as long as possible. However, they need to be gradually removed to: give space for the gangways and chamber installation in lower sectors give space for the installation of the last BOF/BOG chambers between the feet after which we can put back the HS extensions which the flexible chains in sectors 11 and 15 will be supported from. The chains in turn must be installed before the Muon chamber installation in these sectors can be completed (access still to be sorted out). After removal of the lateral platforms all the rest of the BOS and BOL chambers can be installed on side A, BOS chambers possibly also on side C. Chambers in the inner layers are still dependent on the ID services installation and must wait for the installation of the ID services through the gaps in Muons to PP2s. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Muon Barrel installation, step 3 Chambers after removal of lateral platforms Sectors 10,16: - all BOS from side A Sectors 1 and 9: - BOL Sectors 12 and 14 - Rest of the BOF, BOG Sectors 11 and 15 - BOL side A only - access to install BIR and BIM chambers still to be sorted out. 1 9 16 10 11 15 14 12 ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Cable chains in sector 9 ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Cable chains sectors 11 & 15 The last BT platforms must be removed and the last BOF/BOG chambers installed before the supports on the HS and the cable chains can be installed. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Goals for the phase E At the end of phase E : all the ID cables from PP1 to PP3 installed. all calorimeter cables connected and tested -> Ready for Barrel cooldown all BT supports & platforms dismounted all muon services installed ~2/3 of the barrel chambers mechanically installed on rails. endcap flexible chains installation started. we are ready to move in the end-cap calorimeter C for connection of the services ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase F: from end Oct ’05 to Jan ’06. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Phase F: From end Oct ’05 to Jan ‘06 Side A: Assembly of the calorimeter endcap A Using muon platform A install chambers where possible Center: ID cabling through Muons to PP2. Complete flexible chains installation, first side C then side A Continue connection of services on muon barrel Get ready for the testing of the BT. Side C: Start connecting up Calorimeter C Push all remaining side C chambers in place (interlinked with PP2 ID cabling) Insert Monoblock and washers Start Big Wheels (TGC1) assembly! ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

ID services through Muons to PP2 Six PP2s per side. Current estimate for the workload is 20 shifts per PP2!? ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 TGC1 assembly on side A Muon barrel installation continues in parallel. Elevating platform in front of the Toroid not shown. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 TGC1 assembly By the completion of the TGC1 assembly the Muon Barrel installation should also be finished, and the elevating platform removed. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

Feb ’06: Close for Solenoid field mapping Move endcap calorimeters to run position and bring down the shield discs. After field mapping re-open and start connecting calorimeter A and continue with 2nd Big Wheel on side C. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 From Jan ’06 onwards Detailed version available on EDMS at: Installation schedule version 6.24 summary ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005

M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005 Summary “Installation Summer 2004 task force” has worked out a schedule proposal for the 6 months following the completion of the BT. The schedule is now much more detailed than before, especially on the installation of services. The main difference in the sequence w.r.t previous version is that on both sides, A and C, the installation of the Muon barrel chambers is done partially in parallel with the End-cap Calorimeter assembly, and on side C the assembly of the first Big Wheel is started when the barrel chambers installation is still going on. The rest of the schedule has not been discussed in the task force, but I have now scheduled the assembly of all four Big Wheels on side C before lowering End-cap Toroid C. On side A the sequence is in reverse order. In the schedule all the Big Wheels on side A are assembled before closing the beam pipe (March ’07). However, in case of problems and delays we must be able to assemble the Big Wheels also with the beam pipe closed. ATLAS Overview Week, Freiburg, 7th Oct '04 M. Kotamäki -Installation plans from mid 2005