How to succeed in amazing fashion in 2017-2018! CLASS EXPECTATIONS How to succeed in amazing fashion in 2017-2018! To use this title animation slide with a new image simply 1) move the top semi-transparent shape to the side, 2) delete placeholder image, 3) click on the picture icon to add a new picture, 4) Move semi-transparent shape back to original position, 5) Update text on slide. (refer to this frequently throughout the year!)
“Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance “Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.” —Ralph Marston The Daily Motivator
Expectation #1: - Stop making excuses about lack of time…what you have is lack of training (which we will provide), lack of time management (again, we will provide), and lack of effort (that’s on you, but I’d work on fixing it now or else the “real world” gets really messy). Complete all readings you are given on time, without relying on internet summaries or the word of other students. - Much of your readings will be required at home, with the actual “homework” you’re used to being done as a small or large group in classes. If you don’t read, you fail. - You supply the effort, and I will prepare you for making As in college as well as teaching you to communicate at a level most people lack and have the critical thinking skills to excel in ANY career in which you find yourself.
Expectation #2: -My goal as a teacher is to prepare you to not only be able to handle the rigors of future academic setting and life in general, but to train you to excel in both environments. This can’t be done if you resist everything I present to help make these goals reality. - No one enjoys being given work, I get that. But, this work is intended to benefit you, and I want you to treat it that way. I don’t give “busy” work, trust me on each assignment and they will all pay off. Have an attitude of openness to what is asked of you, even when you want to complain initially. - Complaining, either in or out of class, often makes its way back to me. There is not a quicker way to color my opinion of you than to whine about assignments. If you are concerned about an assignment, come speak to me personally. Whining only begets more whining, and the world has enough of that already, stop adding to the trash heap.
Expectation #3: -There isn’t much I hate more in an academic setting than cheating. I go out of my way to provide meaningful, useful assignments, and if all you are going to do is copy someone else’s, you’re wasting your time and mine, and I don’t have a lot of time for you to waste. - Grow some fortitude and tell your less than moral classmates that you aren’t going to let them cheat off of you. If they get mad, good…you need to cut the dead weight out of your life, and cheaters are definitely dead weight. Cheating of any type is pathetic and lazy. This is not how you improve as a student or human, make it a priority to not participate or pay later. -Using sites like SparkNotes instead of reading the assigned material is also considered cheating in my book. I encourage you to not rely on sites such as this for all of your knowledge…we live in a sparknotes culture that likes to shortcut everything, including the information they receive, and it is why we are in such sad shape these days.
Expectation #4: -I get it, some people are shy, but in my experience, those people are the ones with the most interesting things to say. It isn’t something that needs define you in my class, use this as a chance to speak up and find your voice. - It is too easy to allow others to speak for you when you don’t speak up for yourself, and if you’re like me, the last thing I want is for people to decide how I feel without my consent. Yes, I realize this is English class, and not as grandiose as I am presenting, but it is a safe place to practice stating your opinion, and that is what I want to see (within reason…more on that on expectation #5!) Shyness is something to overcome, not an excuse not to participate. You have a voice…use it, or others will unfairly speak for you. -This is especially painful when no one is participating in conversation (which drives my classes when done properly). I don’t do extra credit per se, but I will give extra consideration (substantial at times) to grading on my students who have shown willingness to participate.
Expectation #5: -I realize I just said I want you to share your opinions, but I want you to realize that your opinions aren’t the only valid ones available. Disagreement and dissenting opinions are welcome in my class. -Also remember, just because you have an opinion doesn’t necessarily mean it has earned the right to be spoken. If your opinion isn’t thought out, or is based on hate or ignorance, it might not be worth spilling in my class. Feel free to say what you want, just be prepared for consequences. Be kind and thoughtful to all when you respond in my class. Don’t assume everyone believes as you do, and if they don’t, you have no right to attack them in here. Do it at your own peril. -Freedom of speech is a freedom extended to all people, not just those that you personally agree with. That being said, freedom of speech carries some responsibility that many people (adults included) ignore today. Remember that your words have power to heal or hurt. Let’s be healers.
THE STAGE HAS BEEN SET Remember, your success (or lack thereof) is of your own making… 1 2 3 4 5 Complete all readings you are given on time, without relying on internet summaries or the word of other students. Have an attitude of openness to what is asked of you, even when you want to complain initially. Cheating of any type is pathetic and lazy. This is not how you improve as a student or human, make it a priority to not participate or pay later. Shyness is something to overcome, not an excuse not to participate. You have a voice…use it, or others will unfairly speak for you. Be kind and thoughtful to all when you respond in my class. Don’t assume everyone believes as you do, and if they don’t, you have no right to attack them in here. Do it at your own peril.
Look back on these at random times to remind yourself of what you are responsible for ! Follow these expectations and you will be surprised how valuable this course will be! Ignore them and it will be a bumpy ride and not as valuable as it could be.