II. Russia
Russian Architecture
A. Fall of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev - Started policies that mark the beginning of the end for the USSR Glasnost – “Openness” – Allowed Soviet citizens to speak more freely Perestroika – Gradual change from a command system to private ownership
Mikhail Gorbachev
B. End of the Union 1991 – Russians voted in their first democratic election 1991 – The USSR crumbles and was no longer a country The former Soviet Union became 15 separate countries after the break up Marks the end of the Cold War
People Protest Communism in Russia
C. Russia’s Land Russia is the world’s largest country (Area) Almost twice as large as the U.S.A. Called a Eurasian country because it covers two continents – Europe and Asia Russia borders 14 countries and covers eleven time zones
Russia’s Red Square
Siberia – Huge part of Russia that lies east of the Urals Permafrost – A layer of permanently frozen soil Ural Mountains – Form boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia
Drunken Trees
Marker Separating Europe and Asia
75% of Russia’s People Live west of the Ural Mountains or in European Russia Live in cities
D. Russia’s Resources Has more resources than any country on earth Include: Timber, oil, gold, and silver One of the world’s largest producer of oil Many resources are in hard-to-reach parts of Russia
Taiga – Largest forest region in the world Very few people live in the Taiga Steppes – Huge grassland that provides the best farmland in Russia