Environmental Chemistry
Carbon cycle Photosynthesis stores C in terrestrial and ocean biosphere Respiration releases CO2 back to atmosphere In order to allow build up of free O2, must not allow organic C to decay
Oxygen produced in photosynthesis is consumed by reactions with reduced Fe and S from lithosphere: 2 FeS2 + 15/2 O2 + 4 H2O Fe2O3 + 4 H2SO4
Links https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/ https://www.co2.earth/daily-co2 http://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/
CO2 is increasing due to fossil fuel combustion CH2O + O2 CO2 + H2O
Atmospheric O2 trend If CO2 is increasing, O2 should be decreasing
Nitrogen Cycle Processes
Brasseur, Orlando, and Tyndall, Atmospheric chemistry and global change, 1999.
Phase diagram for water Thin line – saturation vapor pressure above supercooled liquid water Jacob, Intro to Atmospheric Chemistry, 1999.
Water/Ice vapor pressure table Torr 100 760.0 -2 3.88 -30 .29 60 149.4 -4 3.28 -32 .23 50 92.51 -6 2.76 -34 .19 40 55.32 -8 2.33 -36 .15 30 31.82 -10 1.95 -38 .12 20 17.54 -12 1.63 -40 .097 10 9.21 -14 1.36 -42 .077 5 6.54 -16 1.13 -44 .061 4 6.10 -18 .94 -50 .0296 3 5.69 -20 .78 -60 .0081 2 5.29 -22 .64 -65 .004 1 4.93 -24 .53 -70 .002 4.58 -26 .43 -80 .0004
Solar irradiance spectrum Graedel and Crutzen, Atmospheric Change, 1993
Lifetime and variability Hobbs, IAC, 2000.