Work Track 5 Overview and Update ICANN62
What is Work Track 5? Work Track 5 is a sub-team of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group (WG). The overall Working Group is tasked with calling upon the community’s collective experiences from the 2012 New gTLD Program round to determine what, if any changes may need to be made to the existing 2007 Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains policy recommendations. Work Track 5 seeks to review the existing policy and implementation related to the topic of geographic names at the top level, determine if changes are needed, and recommend revised or new policy or implementation guidance, as appropriate.
Why is Work Track 5 Doing this Work? There had previously been parallel efforts within the community working on the issue of geographic names, each with a different focus. The topic of geographic names at the top level is included within the charter of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group. The Cross-Community Working Group of Use of Country and Territory Names concluded in 2017. There continues to be a recognition in the community that further work is needed in this area, noting that there are strong interests in the GAC, ccNSO, ALAC, and ccNSO on this issue and divergent views. Work Track 5 offers an opportunity for community members from all SO/ACs (as well as anyone not associated with an SO/AC) to participate in discussions about the future treatment of geographic names at the top level.
How does Work Track 5 Complete its Work? Operates under the GNSO Operating Procedures. Flexibility to experiment with innovative ways to support collaboration and participation from across the community. Inclusive leadership model with four co-leaders representing the ccNSO, GAC, ALAC, and GNSO. Began meeting in November 2017. Currently meeting weekly with very active discussions taking place on the mailing list. Collaborative online tools to collect input. Cross-Community Sessions at ICANN62 are an important way for those in the community not involved in Work Track 5 to share their ideas and opinions on this topic. Please actively participate in the Cross- Community sessions even if you are attending sessions organized by your own SO/AC on this topic.
Membership and Decision-Making Anyone interested can join as a member (e.g., participate during meetings, send messages on list, etc.) or observer (i.e., receives emails sent to the list). Membership in the overall WG is not required. Only members will be included in consensus calls. Decision-Making Definitions for full consensus, consensus, strong support but significant opposition, and divergence available in Annex 1, section 3.6 of the GNSO Operating Procedures. GNSO PDPs do not vote, though some level of polling may occur. Decision-making is not based on the most voices.
What are Work Track 5’s Responsibilities? While WT5 is a sub team to the full New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG, it operates under its own specific Terms of Reference. The Terms of Reference document includes responsibilities of WT5 and information about how WT5 completes its work. Notes the need for an open participation model, where participants feel comfortable that the process is sufficiently inclusive. Goal is to establish a consensus-driven outcome in the form of policy recommendations and/or implementation guidance. WT5’s recommendations will be delivered to the full WG for consideration. The 4 WT5 co-leads brief the ALAC, ccNSO, GAC, and GNSO on a regular basis. WT5 members are expected to brief and liaise with their respective organizations, if applicable.
Scope of Work Scope - Geographic Names at the top-level only Two-character ASCII letter-letter combinations Country and Territory Names (alpha-3 on 3166-1, short and long- form on 3166-1, additional categories in section of AGB) Capital Cities in 3166-1, city names, sub-national names (e.g., county, province, state on 3166-2) UNESCO regions and names appearing on the “Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub- regions, and selected economic and other groupings” Other geographic names such as geographic features (rivers, mountains, valleys, lakes, etc.) and culturally significant terms related to geography The extent to which additional languages receive protection
Work Track 5 Status Discussed categories of strings included in the 2012 Applicant Guidebook including identifying pros and cons of the 2012 AGB treatment: 2-character ASCII letter-letter combinations Country and Territory Names Other Geographic Names listed in the 2012 AGB Discussed whether there should be rules for other strings such as geographic features (rivers, mountains, valleys, lakes, etc.) and culturally significant terms related to geography that were not included in the 2012 AGB. Reviewed and validated a chart outlining the relevant program elements of the 2012 process and began to consider possible process improvements. Currently seeking input from WT members on a working document that seeks to capture the different perspectives and input received so far from WT members.
Preliminary Convergence The Work Track Co-Leaders are beginning to see convergence in support of the following: Continue reservation at the top-level for these country and territory related terms: Two-character ASCII letter-letter combinations. 3-character country codes on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 list. Long-form and short-form country and territory names on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 list. Defer broader questions about which entity/entities can apply for these strings and how they may be treated (for instance, as a gTLD, a ccTLD or something else). Continue requirement that an applicant must obtain a letter of consent/non-objection from the relevant government or public authority when applying for a capital city name.
Work Track 5 Timeline – Current Estimates Jul 2018 Aug 2018 October 2018 Q2 2019 Next Steps Draft Initial Report Publish Initial Report Close Public Comment on Initial Report Publish Final Report To adjust the length and width of the arrow, click on the arrow, grab a corner, and lengthen or shorten, depending on your preference. To add a bubble, click on the bubble, ensure it is fully highlighted, COPY and PASTE. Then drag the bubble to your preferred placement. To delete a bubble, click on the bubble, ensuring it is highlighted and click DELETE. If you make a mistake, go to your top bar on PP and click EDIT, UNDO