E-Reporting Initiative Purse seine PDF Logbook Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Oceanic Fisheries Programme (OFP), Noumea, New Caledonia
Presentation Outline Current situation with purse seine logsheets A new smarter PDF Purse seine Form (eTUNALOG) Benefits Future work and short-term schedule FAQs
Current Purse seine Form
Current situation with PS logsheets Fishing company Fisheries authority Scanned Hard-copy logsheets Data entry SPC Scientific Analyses (e.g. stock assessments) WCPFC Data entry TUFMAN Scientific advice Regional database or AUDIT of data & SYNCHRONISATION Member countries Regional MCS & sub-regional fisheries management For sub-regional fisheries management FFA PNA
Current situation with PS logsheets Hard-copy form : cumbersome / inefficient Long delays / many steps Hard copy transmission : Vessel => fishing company => National Fisheries authority Needs to be scanned by NFA => regional agencies Size of scan can be big (picture, not raw data) Multiple data entry and therefore potential for errors inefficient
Smart PDF Purse seine Form
Smart PDF Purse seine Form Installed on vessel’s computer => ‘smart’ PDF logsheet is directly completed on-board the purse seine vessel Vessel can send smart PDF logsheet for the trip as an email attachment to multi email recipients (fishing company / fishing authority/..) PDF logsheet can be sent on a daily / weekly basis (incomplete trip) PDF logsheet data are XML formatted, so easily loadable into databases (fishing company, national TUFMAN and regional databases) PDF Logsheet is almost identical to regional standard logsheet, so licensing conditions should be satisfied Main caracteristics
Potential situation with eTUNALOG VESSEL Fishing company Fisheries authority SPC Import & Audit Import & Audit Regional database TUFMAN SYNCHRONISATION
Smart PDF Management Software
Smart PDF Management Software Creation of a new PDF Logsheet trip, which file name will be based on: Vessel name Date FFAVID All existing trips are listed here and can be edited
Smart PDF Management Software Vessel parameters can be stored here (once for good) and sent to any new pdf logsheet to automatically fill in the logsheet header The latest version of the PDF logsheet can be loaded here (for new trips)
Smart PDF Purse seine Form Possibility of pre filling of vessel parameters at startup (to fit a specific vessel) Propagation of Vessel trip header on subsequent pages Various data entry checks Ex: checks whether the date is within depart and arrival dates Next date automatically filled Addition of comments for each day Addition of potential alternate species for each day Automated calculation of Catch totals Automated export of PDF form + associated XML file, potentially sent by email
Smart PDF Form Features Data entry checks Date validations (range, presence) School/set/catch entry disabled when not a fishing set Latitude / longitude / time format checks Species quantities: catch or numbers can’t exceed some reasonable values Other features Automated catch totals (page, trip) / page count Parameterization of the Vessel details Dynamic addition/deletion of any number of logsheet pages Possibility to add alternate species, such as sharks Export feature / Email XML form submission
Smart PDF form export process To MsAccess To XML AUDIT TUFMAN
Smart Logsheet – perceived benefits Free solution - low usage cost (email cost) Easy to use Better solution than hard-copy or EXCEL form Can be forwarded to multi recipients (including SPC) No data entry required by national fishing authorities or regional agencies (i.e. SPC) Data automatically loaded into TUFMAN national database Reduced processing time & errors Report on a more timely basis No hard copy / no need for scanning/digitize : the smart PDF logsheet is simply archived as the secure copy (NFA, fishing company, vessel)
eTUNALOG – Future work Refinement of eTUNALOG manager interface Parameters refinements Addition of more data entry checks within smart PDF Ex: Position checked by calculating the maximum distance travelled in one day, using a 2 speed levels (17kts : warning / 22 kts : error) Improvement of real-time data transmission capabilities (email) Day catch transmission only, import/export improvements Investigate PDF digital signature / scanned signature To certify PDF validity & integrity Basic reporting system for the vessel and the fishing company Objective : satisfy the needs of vessels and fishing companies, enabling them to quickly & easily query the catch (by year / month / vessel / trip / species)
Short-term Schedule Purse seine smart PDF v1.00 implemented Jan 2013 Smart PDF in-house testing Feb 2013 eTUNALOG system implemented Mar 2013 Onboard trial: SOLOMON EMERALD (NFD - Noro) Extension of trial to other vessels (S.JADE & S.PEARL &…) Apr 2013 Extension of trial to all NFD purse seine fleet Jun 2013 AUDIT of logsheet data Implement IMPORT of logsheet into SI Fisheries TUFMAN Jul 2013 Commence trials with NZ vessels Commence trials in FSM and Marshall Islands Aug – Dec 13
Frequently Asked Questions Why is the Smart PDF better than an Excel form ? Excel forms can be modified by the user, one of the reasons why it is very difficult/impossible to import into a database Smart PDF can easily export it’s data under a hierarchical format, XML, which is easily imported into a database More comprehensive on-line edit checks can be built into the Smart PDF (compared to an Excel form), so data quality is much better with the Smart PDF
Frequently Asked Questions The licensing conditions require the company stamp and captain’s signature on the logsheet before submitting it to the Fishing Authority. How is this possible with eTUNALOG/Smart PDF ? The Smart PDF logsheet has been design to look like the regional standard logsheet. Once completed, the logsheet can be printed and processed in the same way (i.e. signed, stamped) as with the old hard-copy version of the logsheet A precedent has been set with the acceptance of this form by the Solomon Islands MFMR as satisfying licensing conditions We are currently investigating the possibility to add a digital signature and digital company stamp to the Smart PDF, and whether legislation will allow this…
Frequently Asked Questions I would be interested in receiving daily catch/effort information from my vessels. Is this possible ? Yes, the Smart PDF data entered for the trip to date can be exported and sent by email at any time, for e.g., on a daily basis. In the future, we will investigate requirements to only send the required data, for example, The daily catch info A weekly summary Any other information required prior to the end of the trip
Frequently Asked Questions How can I be sure of the accuracy of the data ? With the Smart PDF, the data are as accurate as the captain records and since the data are only entered once, errors generated through further data entry are avoided The Smart PDF has some additional advantages: Comprehensive internal data entry checks to ensure that the data entered by the captain are reliable from the start When importing the Smart PDF data (into TUFMAN, for e.g.), other sources of information (e.g. VMS) can be used to validate the data