Develop the idea of protocols by modelling a computer network with the children as client machines and the teacher as the server. Pass messages around the group according to strict rules about who can speak to whom and in which order.
Consider the Internet as a global network, capitalising on the understanding of the local network, with computers all over the world communicating to provide services and gather data.
Consider some of the services provided to the school over the Internet such as the Worcestershire Learning Gateway ( Policy Central (or other monitoring software) data, BBC website, , voice and video calls (e.g. Skype), streaming video and films (e.g. YouTube). Examine the difference between home network management and how access to the Internet at school is controlled via Schools Broadband filtering and why.
Use the Cisco resources, based on Peter Packet, describing how information is passed between computers and networks ( ille/pr/games.html ) ille/pr/games.html
Knowledge and Understanding Understand that the Internet and the Worldwide Web are not the same thing – the WWW is a collection of hyperlinked web pages and websites and is just one of many services provided over the Internet. Understand that The Internet is the host to many different parts - The World Wide Web, , File Transferring, Chat Rooms and NewsGroups...