Managing Marketing Channels Chapter 16 Selecting and Managing Marketing Channels Marketing Management Tenth Edition Philip Kotler
Objectives Work Performed by Marketing Channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics
How a Distributor Reduces the Number of Channel Transactions A. Number of contacts without a distributor M x C = 3 X 3 = 9 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 = Manufacturer = Customer
How a Distributor Reduces the Number of Channel Transactions B. Number of contacts with a distributor M x C = 3 + 3 = 6 Store 1 2 3 4 5 6 = Manufacturer = Distributor = Customer
Distribution Channel Functions Information Transfer Communication Payments Negotiation Physical Distribution Ordering Risk Taking Financing
Consumer Marketing Channels Manufacturer 0-level channel Consumer 1-level channel Manufacturer Retailer Consumer Mfg 2-level channel Wholesaler Retailer Consumer Mfg 3-level channel Wholesaler Jobber Retailer Consumer
Industrial Marketing Channels Manufacturer Consumer Industrial distributors Manufacturer’s representative Manufacturer’s sales branch
Customers’ Desired Service Levels Lot size Waiting time Spatial convenience Product variety Service backup
Level of sales (dollars) Break-Even Cost Chart Selling costs (dollars) Level of sales (dollars) Manufacturer’s sales agency Company sales force SB
Selecting Training Motivating Evaluating Channel Management Decisions FEEDBACK Training Motivating Evaluating
Common Ownership at Different Corporate Common Ownership at Different Levels of the Channel Types of Vertical Marketing Systems Administered Leadership is Assumed by One or a Few Dominant Members Contractual Contractual Agreement Among Channel Members
Conventional Distribution Channel vs. Vertical Marketing Systems Manufacturer Manufacturer Wholesaler Wholesaler Retailer Retailer Consumer Consumer
Causes of Channel Conflict Incompatibility Difference in Perception Dependence
Legal & Ethical Issues in Channel Relations Exclusive Dealing Exclusive Territories Tying Agreements Dealers’ Rights
Review Work Performed by Marketing Channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics