Commenting on a planning application: 8 Steps Look at the planning application Visit the site of the proposed development Decide on your stance Examine the development plan Decide on your action Put your comments in writing Gather support Speak at committee meetings Adapted from CPRE – How to Respond to Planning Applications CPRE suggest 8 Steps of How to Respond to Planning Applications and we have based our guidance on this. Is covered in 8 Steps Handout. Look at the planning application – we’ve given it to you today, but in real life you would spot it on the weekly list from GT, be sent it by lpa, or spot it on lpa website. Visit the site of the proposed development – rather like we did this morning Decide on your stance – we will do this now in next exercise led by Margie, in which we have a case for you to consider Examine the development plan – you will need to find this on your lpa website. Today we will show you how it works. Decide on your action – we will do this with Margie now Put your comments in writing – Tamsin will lead us through doing this as a group Gather support – CGTs will be great at this. Is covered in your handouts – today we are doing this in isolation but normally you would liaise with GT, HE, other amenity socs Speak at committee meetings – be brave! Just restate the stance in your letter. Historic Landscape Project Presentation 5: 8-Steps + Exercise