Why income protection is important The people it helps protect. Note to presenter ---- good printed pieces to help guide the conversation is KIT4343 (KIT4365 CA), the variable sales idea flier (JJ2228C) or the flip chart (JJ1151).
Testimonials may not be representative of other clients’ experiences Testimonials may not be representative of other clients’ experiences. It does not imply or guarantee benefits. Sherron and James Williams have not been paid for their testimonials. Please remember to abide by the company’s policy on disclosure of compensation. You can obtain more information, as well as a sample disclosure form at www.principal.com. This information is provided with the understanding that Principal® is not rendering legal, accounting, or tax advice. Consult with appropriate counsel or other advisors on all matters pertaining to legal, tax, or accounting obligations and requirements. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from Principal®. Disability insurance from Principal® is issued by Principal Life Insurance Company, Des Moines, IA 50392.
Don’t take it from us:
Our claimants are among the lucky few who have income protection. Fact: Only a third of employed consumers have disability coverage. 2016 Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens and LIMRA, https://www.lifehappens.org/industry-resources/agent/barometer2016.
Paying for everyday expenses and saving for the future! Help your customers understand the value of their income and all it provides: Paying for everyday expenses and saving for the future!
Financial security starts with protecting their income.
They need your help getting started Just keep it simple.
Make income protection relatable Have them consider their mental checklist:
Keep jargon to a minimum Assure clients the steps they’ve taken are good. Disability insurance is designed to enhance their protection plans. Flier (JJ2116) provides an alternative definition for common disability insurance terms
Show them that it’s not just accidents Tip: Highlight common causes of disability and how, on average, long-term disabilities last about 2 ½ years. Source: Principal Life Disability insurance active claims as of May 2018. The above is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended as a complete representation of all claims.
Compare the cost to every day items The idea is not to tell them they have to give those items up, but will help to make the premiums for disability insurance more tangible. NON-CALIFORNIA version – if using delete the next slide Protecting themselves first is all part of a successful financial checklist. Then offer to review their budget to see how to make disability insurance work. It can be more affordable than they may think. Make it relatable by comparing it to the cost of other common items. Typically disability insurance is 1 to 2% of annual income. 1 Assumptions: Colorado resident, male, 5A occupation class, non-tobacco, To Age 65 Your Occupation and Benefit Periods, Residual Disability and Recovery Benefit rider. These comparisons are for illustrative purposes only.
Compare the cost to every day items The idea is not to tell them they have to give those items up, but will help to make the premiums for disability insurance more tangible. CALIFORNIA version – if using delete the previous slide. Protecting themselves first is all part of a successful financial checklist. Then offer to review their budget to see how to make disability insurance work. It can be more affordable than they may think. Make it relatable by comparing it to the cost of other common items. Typically disability insurance is 1 to 2% of annual income. 1 Assumptions: California resident, male, 5A, non-tobacco, to age 65 Your Occupation and Benefit Periods, Residual Disability Benefit rider, 10% Mental/Nervous Substance Abuse Disorder Limitation. These comparisons are for illustrative purposes only.
Ready to get started?
Start by protecting your income. When you buy coverage for yourself you’ll: Have your most valuable accomplishment protected See the new business and underwriting process first hand, so you can better explain it to your clients. Plus, once you have one sale, you have access to IDI eApp and ePolicy from Principal.
The market opportunity is huge Almost everyone in the working population needs to protect their income. That makes many people good candidates for disability insurance, especially those who: Are age 30 to 55 Earn at least $40,000 per year Work at least 20 hours per week (including part-time and 1099 workers) Work in occupations with little to no manual duties To learn more about these occupations and find free lead sources visit www.principal.com/iditargetmarkets
Talk about the benefits of coverage Flexible solutions to fit different needs and budgets. Can’t be canceled or changed unless the client takes an action. Stays with the client even if they change jobs. Works well with other disability income solutions. Discount opportunities may be available. Second, highlight the benefits of the product Keep it simple, talk in laymen’s terms. Always use the proposal. Have it ready to go and work off it. Explain that the policy is non-cancelable and guaranteed renewable to age 65. Principal Life cannot cancel the policy or change the premium rate, as long as premiums are paid. Benefits are tax-free when premiums are paid with after-tax dollars Policy is portable. Goes with client even if he/she changes employers.
Talk about the service. Remember, that you’re selling a promise of: Security. A financial safety net. Show your clients that when Principal says that we put customers first. Our team means it. Watch this video www.principal.com/dicares The image is hyperlinked to play the video. When in presentation mode, simply click on it and (if you have internet access) the short video will play.
Next steps … Talk about income protection with every client. Offer an income protection review.
You’ll need this information for a personalized proposal Known medical issues Desired amount of income replacement benefit Any known existing disability coverage Name Gender Date of birth Occupation and job duties Salary State of residence Tobacco use
DI9584-03 │ 06/2018 | © 2018 Principal Financial Services, Inc. Thank you. For additional tools and resources visit: www.principal.com/DIAM DI9584-03 │ 06/2018 | © 2018 Principal Financial Services, Inc.