BLT Kick-off Training Pam Lange Marilyn Hofer Barb Rowenhorst August 22, 2006 Intro Marilyn, talk about the binder, talk about the training process, introduce themselves
Outcomes To set the stage for the BLT process To integrate classroom strategies into the BLT training process To determine where the district is in regard to curriculum mapping To allow BLTs time for building a community of learners Talk about the outcomes
Agenda Items Welcome Transition Norms District Goals BLT Process Professional Learning Communities Curriculum Mapping Closure/Evaluation Flexible – Garmston approach
Reconnection Three Facts and a Fib
Reconnection If I were to tell you three facts and one fib about myself, would you be able to tell which was the fib? For Example: I have worked for TIE for 15 years. I have spent over thirty nights in our motor home this summer already. Half of my classroom experience was high school, half was middle school. Our children live in St. Louis, Phoenix, and Colorado Springs. Recognition or Cooperative Learning or Professional Learning Community. Not the strategy it is the activity which would be under the strategy
Reflection Organizer for Integration Provide you with organizers this will be a valuable tool for you and for your staff when you go back and train them. Hand out Facts and a Fib. This is the first thing in your binder. We’ll do this after every activity. This will build your team cross curricular. This is on the CD, we’ll talk about it later. We’ll give you about 3-5 minutes to begin thinking about ways to use this within your content area. Share out – whole group.
Norms Take care of personal needs Mute cell phones Limit side conversations Others??? Barb will create a poster. Norms are soemthing that really solidify a group. Operating procedures so this can be a positive learning experience for everyone involved. Ones that have consistently come up in other trainings. Like to share with you and see if we can agree on the norms. Begin with personal needs. Five to six at the most.
Why Are We Here? Curriculum Goal: Strategy Goal: By the end of 2009, K-12 staff will curriculum map three or more content areas using TechPaths software. Strategy Goal: By the end of 2008, K-12 staff will be trained in eight or more research-based classroom strategies that can be immediately transferred to the classroom setting. It all began last year, Refer back to the photo of the wall. This is your accountability piece. Even though they are never completed, more usable, pertainante, not another thing to do. These are our learning targets and they should always be posted.
(Embedded Assessment Goal): Why Are We Here? (Embedded Assessment Goal): During the 2006-2007 school year, staff will know how to align assessment to curriculum and standards using TechPaths reports and professional resources. First BLT Training Second BLT Training Third BLT Training
Step into the BLT Process The vision of this leadership team process is to meet the individual needs of schools and teachers. Three BLT trainings during the 2006-2007 school year BLT plans and organizes how to take the information back to train their building staff BLT trains building staff during in-service days The BLT process is research-based and correlates with effective professional development models proven to enhance student achievement. Pam
BLT Training I Do It We Do It You Do It
BLT trains building staff Scheduled Days Date Type Time Description BLT Training 8/22/2006 Full Day 8:30 to 3:30 BLT receives training 10/5/2006 1/5/2007 Inservice (District/BLT) 8/29/2006 12:20 to 3:30 BLT trains building staff Inservice 10/20/2006 8:00 to 3:30 1/12/2007 Flexible Professional Development Session 9/28/2006 B/A School Determined by survey Options for district's flexible professional development hours. Eight flexible hours required for each teacher within Spearfish School District. 9/30/2006 Saturday 8:00 to 11:30 11/8/2006 2/15/2007 3/22/2007 3/24/2007 4/19/2007 Teacher driven – want to create a survey thoughts about what we need to ask the teachers.
BLT School Assignments Barb Rowenhorst West Elementary East Elementary Marilyn Hofer Spearfish Middle School Pam Lange Spearfish High School
First Planning Session Refer to BLT Process Planning Guide First time that you are planning – give you time at the end of the day to do final planning. Want for you to really think about what you heard and want to make sure that you have time to think about how to do this.
Classroom Strategy Strategy Goal: By the end of 2008, K-12 staff will be trained in eight or more research-based classroom strategies that can be immediately transferred to the classroom setting. Second strategy that we are bringing to you. Working with advance organizers. Add the two strategies. Advance organizers. Making connections. The effect size. Improving student achievement. How we are going to apply it is . . .
Classroom Strategy Strategies Content Building Background Knowledge ABC Chart Matrix Content Professional Learning Communities
Step 1 Dialogue Work Together What you think would make a PLC. Hold up background knowledge and Handbook – talk about advance org . Excellent application tool to access prior knowledge. It is at the beginning of the school year and we need to determine what the kids know and don’t know. Work Together
PLC Graphic Organizer Step 2 Article is divided into three sections Divide group accordingly All read the introduction and conclusion. Each member reads his/her numbered section As you read the section, record important information on graphic organizer You will have 7 minutes to read your section and take notes Please be mindful of those that are still reading
PLC Graphic Organizer Step 3 Choose a recorder and reporter Discuss your section with your group Determine ONE key idea from the article and post on the left side of T-Chart Determine how you would achieve the key idea back at your building(s) and post on the right side of T-Chart The reporter will explain the T-Chart to the large group You will have 15 minutes to complete this assignment
Step 4
Reflection Organizer for Integration
Second Planning Session Refer to Classroom Strategy Planning Guide
Curriculum Mapping Curriculum Goal: By the end of 2009, K-12 staff will curriculum map three or more content areas using TechPaths software. Purpose is to get the district organized to begin or continue the curriculum mapping process. This is what is going to pull all of the initiatives together. We did a snapshot last year and was able to find some gaps, using the reports on TechPaths can really pull that out. The different focuses at each building, by the end of the year everyone should be at the same place or level. Oct 5 expectation – this is what we will do on Oct. 20. Pur
Curriculum Mapping Expectation for October 20 In-service Draft Protocol Sample TechPath Reports This is what is going to pull all of the initiatives together. We did a snapshot last year and was able to find some gaps, using the reports on TechPaths can really pull that out. The different focuses at each building, by the end of the year everyone should be at the same place or level. Oct 5 expectation – this is what we will do on Oct. 5. There will probably be a lot of questions, please let me
Curriculum Mapping Support Flexible Professional Development Offerings: Flyer – September Offerings Signup Sheet This is what is going to pull all of the initiatives together. We did a snapshot last year and was able to find some gaps, using the reports on TechPaths can really pull that out. The different focuses at each building, by the end of the year everyone should be at the same place or level. Oct 5 expectation – this is what we will do on Oct. 5. Pur
Moving Forward With CM Discussion Sheet
Electronic Resources Website CD
Third Planning Session Refer to Moving Forward with Curriculum Mapping Planning Guide
Survey Conversation Curriculum Mapping Goal Classroom Strategy Goal
Good Luck Next time together October 5