Fourth Project Support Meeting and Workshop on Informal Sector Statistics 13-15 November 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
Informal Sector Statistics in Myanmar Ms. Thet Htar Nwe Assistant Director Central Statistical Organization Ministry of Planning and Finance Myanmar
Outline of Presentation National Strategy for Development Statistics (NSDS) Strengthening Role of CSO Survey Conducted by CSO Myanmar Living Conditions Survey (2016-2017) Myanmar Public Perception Survey (2017) Informal Sector Survey (2009, 2014) Recent Statistical Development Producing Economic Statistics Statistical Information Access Country Specific Issues in Statistics SDG Indicators related Employment Development Plan Cooperation Expected from Development Partners What’s need to be done? 11/15/2018
National Strategy for Development Statistics (NSDS) NSDS work with the following 10 cluster groups to develop implementation action plan. National Account Statistics Cluster Survey Coordination and Statistical Standard Cluster Vital Statistics Cluster Agriculture and Rural Sector Statistics Cluster Energy Statistics Cluster Environment Statistics Cluster Trade and Investment Sector Statistics Cluster Macroeconomic Monitiring and Financial Statistics Cluster Social Statistics Cluster Demographic Statistics Cluster
Strengthening Role of CSO Committee on Data Accuracy and Quality of Statistics Peer Review on Myanmar National Statistical System National Strategy for Development Statistics (NSDS): Part I of Core Strategies completed and Part II of Long Term Implementation Plan is now final consultation (2017 to 2027). CSO is responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the county’s implementation for the SDGs framework SDGs Data Assessment Report SDG Indicator Baseline Report (Launched) Training Needs Assessments (with UNDP) To Implement Myanmar Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) To Implement International Comparison Program (ICP) supported by ADB 11/15/2018
Surveys Conducted by CSO Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) The Household Assets and Liabilities Survey (HALS) The Informal Sector Survey (ISS) Survey on Evaluation of Vital Registrations Systems (SEVRS) National Mortality Survey (NMS) Manufacturing Survey on the Private Industrial Zones Price Survey Wholesale Trade Survey Myanmar Business Survey (2015) Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Survey (MSMEs) Myanmar Living Conditions Survey – MLCS (2016-2017) nearly finish Planning to conduct Myanmar Public Perception Survey (2017) 11/15/2018
Myanmar Living Conditions Survey - MLCS (2016-2017) CSO is conducting the Myanmar Living Conditions Survey -MLCS (2016-2017), provided by World Bank and UNDP Survey started conducting in December, 2016 and the process will finish to December, 2017 12 months Field Work by quarterly to avoid seasonal impact/variation 11/15/2018
Objective of MLCS To provide updated estimates of poverty and living conditions at the state/region level, to inform national data needs and selected SDG targets. To construct consumption weights for the national CPI basket, potentially with rural/urban and state/region level breakdown To estimate private consumption expenditure (PCE) for the System of National Accounts (SNA) To build professional, long-term survey capacity by dedicated government survey staff and support the enhancement of CSO’s role as the center of knowledge in (Government of Myanmar) for sample survey implementation 11/15/2018
Sampling Method Two-stage stratified clustered sampling Sampling frame was used by 2014 Census Sample size is around 13,800 households to cover all people living in Myanmar 11/15/2018
Raised awareness by distribution this Pamphlet Listening the Voice of the People to improve their lives Raised awareness by distribution this Pamphlet 11/15/2018
Myanmar Public Perception Survey (2017) Statistical objective: To measure the public perception of services provided by staff working for the national civil service Institutional and capacity objective: Build professional, long-term survey capacity by dedicated government survey staff Sustainable Development Goal 16 promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, and effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. MPPS will inform GoM on current perceptions and where improvement is needed 11/15/2018
Informal Sector Survey Objectives To obtain information on the Informal Employment and Informal Income It is also intended to use the GDP calculation when the method of 1993/2008 SNA is used 11/15/2018
Methodology Informal sector - a group of production units (household enterprises or, equivalently, unincorporated enterprises owned, under 5 workers by households.) Informal own-account enterprises household enterprises owned and operated by own-account workers. alone or in partnership with members of the same or other households. depending on national circumstances. not registered under specific forms of national legislation 11/15/2018
Survey Items Covered • Particulars of Household Members - Relationship to Head of Household - Sex - Age - Educational Status - Employment Status • Household Income • Particulars of Informal Sector - Place of Work - Main Business Activity - Secondary Activity - Informal Income 11/15/2018
Informal Sector Survey (Cont’d) Questionnaire The questionnaire design was prepared by CSO, Myanmar and the recommendations from the JICA experts have been got during the Strengthen Project by JICA to CSO. 11/15/2018
Informal Sector Survey (Cont’d) Sampling Design Stratified three-stage random sampling design First-stage sampling was based on township Second-stage sampling was based on wards in urban area and village tracts in rural area Third-stage sampling was based on household 11/15/2018
Informal Sector Survey (Cont’d) Field Operation Staff of Central Statistical Organization was assigned to supervise the survey works in each township. The supervisors from CSO arranged 3 days training course for enumerators in each and every township. 11/15/2018
Informal Sector Survey (Cont’d) Item Informal Sector Survey (2009) (2014) 1. Number of State and Region 17 15 2. Number of predetermined townships 15 15 3. Number of random sample townships 65 67 4. Number of sample townships surveyed 80 82 5. Number of sample households 32000 32800 6. Number of sample urban household 17600 18200 7. Number of sample rural household 14400 14600 8. Number of supervisor 80 82 9. Number of enumerators 640 410 10. Survey Period 21 days 17days 11 . One enumerator have to survey at least (5) households in a day. 11/15/2018
Informal Sector Survey (Cont’d) Data processing and report writing Data entry, data processing and report writing were carried out by the CSO. 11/15/2018
Results Our survey report with the following tables such as: - Percentage of employees who worked in main jobs - Percentage of employees who worked in other jobs. - Percentage of employees by kind of establishment and source of income. - Income by kind of establishment and source of income - Percentage of registered establishment by kind - Employment situation by establishment. - Percentage of employees by occupation and establishment 11/15/2018
Results - Percentage of own account workers by establishment and place of work. Percentage of employees working in registered establishment by gender. - Percentage of employees working in non-registered establishment by gender. Percentage of own-account workers by establishment and income-class. Percentage of own-account workers who worked registered establishments by kind and income-class. Percentage of own-account workers who worked non-registered establishments by kind and income-class. Educational status of employees who worked the informal sector. 11/15/2018
Recent Statistical Development Formulating new Statistics Law to improve Statistical Legal Framework Developing Statistical Policy Brief National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) Launched of MMSIS ( for the dissemination of the statistical information 11/15/2018
How CSO is Producing Economic Statistics? Ad-hoc or regular surveys Collaboration with other departments and related agencies Asking or requesting data from other concerned departments (administrative records)
Statistical Information Access 11/15/2018 11/15/2018
Specific Issues To raise awareness Statistical Literacy To conduct survey to fully coverage the whole Informal Economy To have the same concepts, national definition, the same methodology and to be practice standard codes, Geo coding among the statistical unit Survey and statistical standard Capacity Building and Development of statistics Limited Resources Physical Infrastructure: Data Communication Network Dissemination of the Information To be in line with National and International Standards 11/15/2018
SDG Indicators related Employment Year Value Source of publication 8.3.1 Proportion of informal employment* 2015 87.5% Ministry of Labor, Immigration and Population, Dept. of Labor, Labour Force Survey 2015 8.5.2 Unemployment rate* 0.8 % Labour Underutilization (LU) 6.9% 8.6.1 Proportion of youth (15-24) not in education, employment or training (NEET)* 15.8% 8.7.1 Proportion of children aged 5-17 years engaged in child labour 9.3% Number of children aged 5-17 years engaged in child labour 1,125,661 9.2.2 Manufacturing employment, in percent to total employment 10.9% Ministry of Labor, Immigration and Population, Dept. of Labor,Labor Force Survey 2015 10.4.1 Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers 2011 0.96% ILO - World Social Protection Report 2014-15 11/15/2018
Development Plans To review the existing cooperation mechanisms for ensuring credible statistical data based on the experiences of previous surveys To take the leading role in realizing a survey coordination mechanism which reflects both Myanmar’s context and the needs of all cluster members To build a standardized statistical system in which statistical data are harmonized and comparable across relevant statistical sectors To establish and adopt survey methodologies and standards that will ensure quality across the different survey To organize this cluster’s meetings monthly or at least once in two months 11/15/2018
Development Plans (Cont’d) To formulate a medium term plan, annual plan and work programmes including survey release calendar for official surveys To report on this cluster’s progress to the quarterly meeting of the Central Committee (Data Accuracy and Quality of Statistics) To promote the use of disaggregated data and appropriate survey methodology in all sectors of statistics To provide technical advice and recommendations on surveys and statistical standards to other clusters To contribute to a sustainable coordination mechanism for the emergence of a National Statistical System that ensures accuracy and quality of statistics. 11/15/2018
Cooperation Expected from Development Partners Technical Assistance for Improving Quality of Statistics for all Statistical Area Survey Methodologies (including analyze, interpretation, report writing and policy recommendation) Financial Resources to implement the prioritized focus areas of Statistical fields Effective and Efficient Training Statistical Infrastructure 11/15/2018
Better Data, Better Lives of the Citizens Advanced Country Good Policy Quality Statistics Rich Infrastructure 11/15/2018
Thank You 11/15/2018