American Revolution War in the South
Glory at Sea Blockade – cut off an area by means of troops or warships to stop supplies or people from coming in or going out British blockaded the American Harbors to prevent supplies reaching the Continental Army Privateers – an armed private ship American privateers captured more British vessels at sea than did the American Navy – Congress authorized ships to attack enemy ships.
John Paul Jones John Paul Jones – raided British ports in 1777. He was attacked by British merchant ships and took on a beating. His ship was so badly damaged, that the British asked if he was ready to surrender… “I have not yet begun to fight” – John Paul Jones Was able to successfully take out the British ship and made JPJ a Naval War Hero
Charles Town – SC British concentrated efforts in the South because there were many loyalists (tories) – support Savannah and Charles Town were overran by British British Commanders – General Henry Clinton and General Charles Cornwallis Worst American defeat in the South is Charles Town – British took thousands of prisoners Cornwallis successfully takes Camden from Gen. Horatio Gates, but encounters new type of warfare Guerrilla warfare – hit and run technique (appear, strike, disappear) catches British off guard
Patriot Victories Kings Mountain – General Cornwallis is forced out of the North Carolina Backcountry. British officer and loyalists were forced out to retreat from outpost – creates new support in south (destroying their homes and farms) Battle at Cowpens – southern victory that gave confidence that Colonists could win the war. Guilford Courthouse – resulted in the Redcoats leaving North Carolina American Commander – Nathanael Greene Inexperience led to British victory but suffered many losses and retreated back to Virginia (Yorktown) wore down the British