A Morning Prayer My God, I offer you today all I think and do and say, uniting it with what was done on earth, by Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen.
An Evening Prayer Dear God, before I sleep I want to thank you for this day so full of your kindness and your joy. I close my eyes to rest safe in your loving care. Amen.
29th September 2013: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Luke Ch. 16: 19 - 31
The Rich Man and Lazarus A parable in 3 sections, each one is a story in itself.
a scene ending with the death of both Lazarus and the rich man; A) Verses 19 - 22: a scene ending with the death of both Lazarus and the rich man;
B) Verses 23 - 26: a first dialogue between the rich man and Abraham;
C) Verses 27 - 31: a second dialogue between them.
In this parable there are 3 characters: The rich man, Lazarus and Abraham
Read the story first.
What do you feel about the story?
The rich man was given much but failed to understand that sense of responsibility for what he got.
He is self-centred, complacent … does not care about Lazarus, about those is need.
Thank God that we have enough, sometimes more than enough; in that case what should we do?
Prayer: O God open our eyes to see the poor, the needy, the forgotten. In welcoming the poor we are welcoming You.