Alternative therapies
1-allopathic medicine ; Use of medical & surgical methods to treat disease Allopathic medicine based on : observation scientific research objective explanation the team in allopathic medicine are( physican,nurse ,psychologist ,& therapist ) holistic health care concept (إنظر الشكل 6-1
Homepathy Used of natural substances in micro doses to relive symptom 3- naturopathy : the process by which the body heals it self by using several therapies including : Diet , herbs, nutritional supplement , hydrotherapy ,massage ,joint manipulation ,life style counseling
4- aromatherapy treatment using scents ,the use of essential oils to promote health & well being -essential oils extracted from Flowers,herbs,tree,fruits,bark, grasses,seed Some oil has physical & psychological effect Action of oils: 1- prevent disease 2-produce calming effect
Eg. Of essential oils (lavender) : promote relaxation ,increase alpha brain wave activities Eg. Jasmine : increase alertness ,increase beta brain waves activities 5- dietatory supplement: dietery ingredient مكملات غذائية As vitamins ,minerals ,herbs, botanicals,aminoacid ,enzyme, organ tissue ,glangular & metabolites N.b :good nutrition can help combat both mental & physical problems
6- phototherapy ; -light therapy ,the use of bright lights for the treatment of depression -use for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder this disorder characterized by @ occur in winter monthes @ little day time @person become irritable & unable to concentrate @progross to depression This disorder treated by : exposure to full light for at least 20 minutes \ day
Energy based therapy Expressive therapy : Use of creative activities to decrease stress as ( drawing ,painting ,dancing ,listening to music therapy )hypnotherapy ; Is induction of relaxed trancelike state ,the individual become receptive to appropriate suggestion
Uses of hypnotherapy : 1-smoking 2-GIT problem 3- IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome ) 4-pain 5- headache 6-addiction 7- phobia
Meditation Its effect : 1- slower heart rate 2-decrease blood pressure 3-decrease o2 consumption 4- increase alpha brain wave production Uses ; 1- field of education 2- business 3- medicine 4- mental health care
Prayer & spiritual healing ; Prayer sense of meaning ,& has purpose of life Effects: 1- strength immuno system 2-emotional well being Energy medicine divide to 1- biofeedback therapy eg. Acupuncture 2- bioelectromagnetic field therapy
Acupuncture : Inserting of fine needles into skin along specific sites on the body These sites travel along energy channels called meridians to release & move the neurotransmitter substance ( acetylcholine ), neuropeptide ,& hormones Used in the treatment of addiction
Biofeedback : Teach client to control their physical responses by providing visual ,or auditory Information about autonomic body function as pulse ,respiration ,skin response & client practice relaxation technique biofeedback used in the treatment of Anxiety Hypertension Insomnia Headache Attention deficit disorder
Electromagnetic therapy as MRI Radation therapy Cardiac pacemaker Electromagnetic field Table 6-4 (مهمة complementary & alternative mental health therapies
Animal assisted therapy : Dogs has been trained to give care with physical disabilities Also children with autism : do socialization with animal Diet & nutrition ; Elimination wheat ,milk ,milk product ,reduce severity symptoms of schizophrenia Stress reduction group ( is fight or flight from stress )