Room 111 News Friday October 9, 2015 Important dates: Next week’s Shine Student is Addysenn Week of 10/12: Guardian Angel Prayer test Thursday 10/15: Parent Resource night—room 111--6:15 pm– you do NOT want to miss this! Friday 10/16: SCAAP for those who receive certificates Friday 10/23: Trunk-or-Treat Important Information: There WILL NOT BE a spelling test next week! Thank you so much to all the chaperones who helped out on our field trip yesterday. The weather was perfect and the kids had an awesome time. We couldn’t do it without you!!! We had the greatest time learning all about apples this week! Students learned about Johnny Appleseed, did an apple taste test, wrote sentences to tell about their favorite apples, made a diagram of the inside of an apple and visited Lynd’s Fruit Farm! Today we even tried homemade applesauce made from apples we picked at Lynd’s—yummy! We introduced the concept of main idea and details to the children this week. We did the big Johnny Appleseed project in today’s envelope together as a class as a guided first practice of this new and sometimes confusing concept! Students had help with gathering ideas and spelling We will be doing a special writing project as part of our first author study! Please take a picture of your child reading a book in his or her favorite spot at home and email it to me. I will take care of printing the pictures here. Please send me the picture by Wednesday 10/14. Make sure to help your child practice the Guardian Angel prayer. We will do the oral prayer test next week. Please plan to attend the parent math information night next Thursday 10/15 at 6:15pm. A lot of important and useful first grade information will be shared at this meeting! Our school is once again collecting pop tabs and boxtops! Please send in any boxtops or poptabs that you are saving at home! FYI:First graders should be able to read the sentences on the back of Saxon HW on their own.