Floating Cloud Tiered Internet Architecture Current: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Nevada, Reno Level 3 Merit Networks
The Floating-Cloud Tiered Architecture Cloud is an autonomous entity of definable granularity – An ISP – A PoP in an ISP – An AS Tiered structure as used in ISPs – Clouds can float and attach to any other cloud at any tier – policies and agreements permitting 2
Floating-Cloud Tiered Internet Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier :1 2.2:1 3.2:1:1 2.1:2 3 Based on addressing scheme, each cloud has a (multiple) cloud IDs. Internal address/ structure is not affected. Routing within the cloud Clouds can move up, down, sideways and attach to multiple clouds at different tiers
Architecture implementation Tiered addresses at Layer 2 – MPLS – Modified MPLS – Bypass routing Tiered /cloud based DNS, AAA ISP preferences, contracts, BGP policies Economic studies
TEST BED AT RIT 12 Linux Systems Kernel code
Experiment: Using MPLS (no label stacking) (manual setting) 6 Router 1.1 Router 1.2 Router 2.1:1 Router 2.1:2 Router 3.1:1:1 3.1:1:1:4 1.2:4 To MPLS header :2:3 To MPLS header IN / OUT Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier
Label stacking? Tiered Label Switching Protocol? 7
Experiment set up Implement floating cloud tiered architecture on a large scale network without being encumbered by layer 3 or routing protocols. Three options – Implement using MPLS. Requires manually setting up MPLS, (current router implementations) – To use our in-lab developed software, which is a hack into Linux Kernel – user space. Require running Linux OS in several systems to run our software. Still require layer 2 Ethernet interfaces and encapsulating out packets in Ethernet header, as receiving systems are not able to receive our raw data packets – Linux implementations of MPLS
Experiment studies Run experiments in parallel with a similar network running IPv6 or IPv4 Study – Routing traffic – Routing table sizes – Convergence times to changes – Speed in end–to-end data transfer – Some optimizations studies in manipulating the number of links between clouds and study load balancing – Understand the performance improvements due to tiers. – OOO switching?
Experiment studies Modification to MPLS to make it perform the functions that we require. – doable on the test bed? – Can we do away with MAC addresses? Long term – we would also like to study the impact of BGP policies (Level 3) – Tiered addresses within a cloud?
Use of GENI Emulab test systems – Start with 20 nodes – Increase size – Integrate RIT test network – Involve Merit Networks test bed? ProtoGENI – Traffic shaping – latency studies – Geographically distributed experiments
Flexibile Addressing Scheme Tier fieldLength field Address field 6 bits2 bits4- 12 bits 6 bits – 64 tiers Special handling 4 bits 16 systems 8 bits 256 systems 12 bits 4096 systems Length field 13 Address field Based on the tier value, number of addresses change
Flexibility in Addressing Scheme Faster forwarding between tiers – Switch on tier field – UP, DOWN, Same level –Mesh as required and route Distribute routing load to within tiers Address length depends on tier level – (no fixed size) Addresses will never run out 00 - Special addressing – wireless networks, roaming user Flexibility – nested addressing 14
Options for testing Use systems available with Emulab – Install Linux OS – Run the current software on the systems – Set up topology?? – Connections between systems?? (Ethernet interfaces)