Monday 10/3 and self check 4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1-5.8 Due today: Electron Configuration test review Electron Configuration extra credit CN notes 4.1-4.2; 4.4, 4.8-4.11; 5.1-5.7 and self check 4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1-5.8 Electron Configuration lab Objectives: Review Naming writing binary ionic compounds Ionic naming – Binary, Bivalent ionic compounds = transition metals with non metals Homework: Complete ionic compound naming ws Complete popcorn prelab If you have not already done so read PP 15a-c Coming up: 10/14 – deadline to have hypothesis/engineering design project approved by NEOHSTEM 10/21 - Research plan parts 1-6 Rough draft 1 (one per team) and 8 typed questions for your mentor to use at Brainstorming with mentors meeting 10/22 – Brainstorming with mentors meeting 8-11 (sign up for time will be in hallway) DQ: na Today’s Handouts: Pop corn lab and Naming writing binary ionic compounds
Tuesday 10/4 Due today: nothing Objectives: Ace electron Configuration test Homework: Complete popcorn prelab If you have not already done so read PP 15a-c Coming up: 10/14 – deadline to have hypothesis/engineering design project approved by NEOHSTEM 10/21 - Research plan parts 1-6 Rough draft 1 (one per team) and 8 typed questions for your mentor to use at Brainstorming with mentors meeting 10/22 – Brainstorming with mentors meeting 8-11 (sign up for time will be in hallway) DQ: na Today’s Handouts: scan tron
Block 10/5-6 Due today: prelab Objectives: Review Electron Configuration test – 2nd period only Crazy L - Polyatomic naming Homework: Check sunguard – to ensure all assignments are turned in Coming up: 10/14 – deadline to have hypothesis/engineering design project approved by NEOHSTEM 10/21 - Research plan parts 1-6 Rough draft 1 (one per team) and 8 typed questions for your mentor to use at Brainstorming with mentors meeting 10/22 – Brainstorming with mentors meeting 8-11 (sign up for time will be in hallway) STAR CHALLENGE: see handout Today’s Handouts: na
Friday 10/7 Due today: Nothing Objectives: Crazy L - Polyatomic naming Homework: Coming up: 10/14 – deadline to have hypothesis/engineering design project approved by NEOHSTEM 10/21 - Research plan parts 1-6 Rough draft 1 (one per team) and 8 typed questions for your mentor to use at Brainstorming with mentors meeting 10/22 – Brainstorming with mentors meeting 8-11 (sign up for time will be in hallway) STAR CHALLENGE: see handout Today’s Handouts: Crazy L