BONUS IDEAS (¡Upload en el sitio de clase!) 0-10 pts. Canciónes, arte, videos, poemas, PPT/Prezi, etc. de gramática y vocabulario de Unidad 15.
Bonus - Scenario Cards Practice your speaking by recording yourself talking about one or all of the following scenarios (#1, #2, #3, #4). Upload on website if possible. (You may also create video if you’d like to do más que un recording.)
#1 You have just entered a restaurant in Santiago de Chile with three of your friends. Ask the maitre d’ if he/she has a table for you.
#2 You have just been seated at a restaurant in Puerto Montt, Chile, when you notice your table setting is missing several items. Call the server over and tell him/her what you need.
#3 You’re at a small restaurant in Guadalajara. The server comes to take your order for dinner. Tell him/her what you’d like.
#4 You’ve just finished your dinner at Casa Botín in Madrid. Ask the server for your check and find out if the tip is included.
Más … (up to 10 puntos)
Más … (up to 10 puntos)
Más … (up to 10 puntos)