Properties of Matter!
Everything is MATTER!
Matter comes in 3 different states: solid, liquid and gas. Properties of Matter Matter comes in 3 different states: solid, liquid and gas.
That means that everything is either a solid, a liquid or a gas. Properties of Matter That means that everything is either a solid, a liquid or a gas.
Each state has properties. Properties of Matter Each state has properties.
A property describes how an object looks, feels or acts.
Properties of Matter One property that all matter has is MASS
Properties of a Solid Solids CAN’T change shape easily. Solid particles don’t move The particles of a solid are lined up in tight rows.
Liquids take the shape of their container. Properties of Liquids Liquids take the shape of their container. Liquids move around. The particles in liquids are farther apart than those of solids, so they can move around more.
Properties of Gas Gas is invisible. That means you can't see it. The particles are so far apart they are invisible, but they are still there! Think about oxygen. You can't see it, but you know it's there because you breath it. Gas particles move around freely.
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