L.S.K. Makani How Africa can make the most of the Internet
Before the Internet, Knowledge & communication …
School, University & Community libraries
newspapers too
Letters and Public Phones
Influence mostly one way Living within a WALL
We needed Approval to be
Advancement without us resulted in Customerism *
No influence on what you get. Your involvement is just in buying
Resulted in Mavhet akapenga amana * *Translations on last slide
But things are changing now… Well, mostly…
Mobile Phone & the Internet increasingly more accessible
Year Population Access to Mobile in Zimbabwe
Number of Internet Subscribers in Zimbabwe 2.5 Million* *January 2012 Estimate based on operator stats
Good to stay connected with friends & consume content freely
The internet is way more than social interaction & consumption of entertainment
We needed Approval to be
Its one of the most powerful tools ever created by man
…and there are just so many clicks you can make in a day
Use those clicks to… Learn Connect Participate
1 2 3 Learn
Once you have access, the Internet is open
Numerous tools available now to help you access knowledge for free
khanacademy.org A free world-class education for anyone anywhere
showme.com Learn and teach anything
academicearth.org Online courses from the world's top scholars
see.stanford.edu wikipedia.org ecorner.stanford.edu watchknowlearn.org fyi.uwex.edu codecademy.com wikibooks.org wikiversity.org bookboon.com & many more…. ocp.hul.harvard.edu wikiversity.org
Use the internet to freely acquire knowledge
Forget the teacher said youre daft Find methods that work for you
Apply locally & learn more by… DOING
1 2 3 Connect
Connect to things that matter to you
1.Companies 2.Leaders 3.Customers 4.People
less chit-chat, make meaningful connections
try to ignore what mainstream media is saying, find and connect to what YOU need
Connect with other Africans solving similar problems
1 2 3 Participate
Contribute and Share with people that share your passion
Africa has new ideas & perspectives
Use globally available tools to create & distribute solutions
Participate beyond Zimbabwe
Dont wait for the traditional channels
Realise that iwewe wakapenga!
Thank You Limbikani Soul Kabweza Makani Contact: Personal blog: Facebook: facebook.com/kabweza
Credit Internet Café sign on Slide UZ library picture on slide 3, – UZ Facebook page, People reading newspapers in slide images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/3/28/ /Harare-residents-read-new-001.jpghttp://static.guim.co.uk/sys- images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/3/28/ /Harare-residents-read-new-001.jpg Wall image on slide 6 by Oula Lehtinen, Containers image on slide 9, Africa-air-cargo.com, Mobile phone mage on slide 12, Nokia website, Axe on slide 19, Quote and concept on slide 19 from Clock image on Slide 20, Picture of keys of slide 23, Che-burashka,Che-burashka Image of woman using laptop to study on Slide 29, Image of man working on electronics board on slide 31, AfriGadget, africa-2010-begins/ africa-2010-begins/ Image of handshake on slide 34, Social media on transparent board slide, slide Image of African male scientist on slide 37, 620x480.jpg 620x480.jpg Germinating plant image on Slide 40, activerain.com Great Zimbabwe image on slide 44, Translations Mavhet akapenga amana – literally the white people are crazy, and meaning they are super intelligent Iwewe wakapenga – literally you are crazy and meaning YOU are super intelligent