Map Skills 101 Intro to Maps
What are the different types of maps? Physical Map – shows you physical features/landforms.
Types of Maps Political Map – shows you countries and cities.
Types of Maps Historical Map – shows you information about a historical event or shows you a different time period.
What else might a map show us? Weather Climate zones Time zones Crops or resources in different regions Religions and cultures Languages Population density
Features of a Map Title – Tells you what the map is showing.
Features of a Map Compass – shows cardinal directions. Sometimes shows intermediate directions.
Features of a Map Scale – tells you the size of the map in comparison to real life. For example 1 inch = 1 mile means that every inch on the map represents one mile in real life OR 1 inch = 1oo miles means that each inch is the same as 100 miles. If 1 inch = 300 miles, and City A and City B are 5 inches apart on the map, how far apart are they in real life? Sometimes, a scale is shown as a bar, and the scale will tell you how many miles are represented by that bar.
More examples of Scale….
Features of a Map Map Key or Legend – show symbols that will be used on the map and tells you what each symbol stands for.
What are the steps in reading a map? Find the title and decide what type of map you have (or decide what type of map you need and then find it!) Check the compass so you know where N, S, E, and W are. Check the scale so you can figure out how far apart things are on the map. Study the key and learn what the symbols on the map represent.
Let’s Review… What type of map would you use to study things like mountains, lakes, or rivers? What type of map would show you the borders of countries and help you find capitol cities? What type of map would tell you about a battle? What part of a map tell you the meaning of symbols? What part of a map would you use to figure out how far apart two things are? What are cardinal directions? Intermediate directions?