Was Imperialism a “Good Thing” What is imperialism? Political and economic control of one area or country by another 2. List examples of imperialism in ancient times. Persia and Rome List countries that colonized Africa. Belgium, England, Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, Spain
Was Imperialism a “Good Thing”? List two reasons for European Imperialism. Industrialism; Social Darwinism Define or Explain each of these terms Imperialism- When a stronger country takes over a weak country Scramble for Africa- Fueled by European Industrialism; an ambitious and aggressive plan that resulted in the splitting of Africa. Unindustrialized- Territories that lacked industry but a rich with raw materials. Industrial Complex- A countries need for natural resources after it becomes dependent upon its industry
Document 1 What countries might be the “progressive nations”? United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany… What countries are the “garden spots”? Nations within the tropics; Africa, Latin America, and Asia. According to the author, what benefits did the colonies receive from the “modern progressive nations”? The foodstuffs and manufactures they need. Developed roads, canals, railways, and telegraphs. Schools and newspapers and the benefits of civilization. How does this document support imperialism?
Document 2 What did colonization mean for native people? How does this document support imperialism? How does this document nor support imperialism?
Document 3 What are the empire builders described in the passage? Politicians, Missionaries, Bankers, Exporters, Manufacturers. How does this document support imperialism? How does this not document support imperialism?
Document 4 “When the whites came to our country, we had the land and they had the Bible, now we have the Bible and they have the land.” How did Africans feel about the missionaries? How does this document support imperialism? How does this document not support imperialism?
Document 5 “The White Man killed my father, My father was proud. The White Man seduced my mother, My mother was beautiful. The White Man burnt my brother beneath the noonday sun, My brother was strong. His hands red with black blood, The White Man turned to me; And in the Conqueror's voice said, “boy! A chair, a napkin, a drink” What were some of the negative effects of imperialism on Africa? How does this document support imperialism? How does this document not support imperialism?
Document 6 “Colonialism’s greatest misdeed was to have tried to strip us of our responsibility in conducting our own affairs and convince us that our civilization was nothing less than savagery, thus giving us complexes which led to our being branded as irresponsible and lacking in self-confidence…The colonial powers had assimilated each of their colonies into their own economy. Our continent possesses tremendous reserves of raw material and they, together with its potential sources of power, give it excellent conditions for industrialization…” In 1962, what was the response of this West African nationalist to years of colonialism? How does this document support imperialism?
Document 7 What was the point of view of this cartoonist about European Imperialism? How does this document support imperialism? How does this document not support imperialism?
IMPERIALISM: Beginnings and Basic Structures © Student Handouts, Inc. www.studenthandouts.com
COLONIALISM SPEEDS UP Age of Exploration ↓ Europeans raced for overseas colonies Growth of European commerce and trade worldwide Industrial Revolution Possible anecdotes: Colonization of the Americas, mercantilism, etc.
“OLD” IMPERIALISM 1500s-1700s England, France, Holland, Portugal, and Spain Wars over colonies Ex – French and Indian War; Treaty of Tordesillas Possible anecdotes: French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War), Spanish and Portuguese competition in Latin America, etc.
INTERLUDE – LATE 1700s-LATE 1800s Europeans were preoccupied with happenings on the European continent and in the existing European colonies. American Revolution French Revolution Napoleonic Wars Latin American Wars for Independence Growth of Nationalism Industrial Revolution Possible anecdote: The loss of colonies in the Americas helped spur interest in new colonies while also illustrating the need for change in the nature of imperialism.
“NEW” IMPERIALISM Beginning circa 1875 Renewed race for colonies Spurred by needs created by the Industrial Revolution New markets for finished goods New sources of raw materials Nationalism Colonies = economic and political power Social Darwinism = racist justification Possible anecdote: British textile mills required more cotton than could be produced in Great Britain.
WHAT IS “NEW” IMPERIALISM? No longer about setting up colonies or exercising direct control over areas Became largely economic Possession or control of an area for economic gain Spheres of influence and extraterritoriality rather than colonial settlement
ECONOMIC MOTIVES- “Rub Your Belly” Markets for finished goods Products of British Industrial Revolution sold in China and India Sources of raw materials Egypt – cotton Malaya – rubber and tin Middle East – oil Capital investments Profits from Industrial Revolution invested in mines, railroads, etc., in unindustrialized areas Possible anecdote: Many foreign countries had to be coerced to purchase European goods. Railroads were built throughout Europeans’ colonial possessions and in areas where industrialized nations held economic and political influuence.
POLITICAL MOTIVES- “Beat your Chest” Nationalism – national pride “The sun never sets on the British empire.” Large empires increased national pride French acquisitions in Africa and Asia followed France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian War Possible anecdote: The legacy of empires is reflected in languages spoken around the world today, particularly English.
MILITARY MOTIVES- “Keeping up with the Jones’s” Bases British naval bases Aden, Alexandria, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Singapore Manpower British – Indian sepoys French – north African troops Possible anecdote: Compare the use of native troops within the British and French empires with the use of “barbarian” troops within the Roman empire, with the idea that imperial powers historically have never had enough of their own troops to maintain their empires.
SOCIAL MOTIVES- “White Man’s Burden” Surplus population Japanese in Korea Italians in Africa “White Man’s Burden” Rudyard Kipling’s poetry and prose Whites morally obligated to bring the “blessings of civilization” to “backward” peoples Cecil Rhodes – imperialism is “philanthropy—plus five percent” Possible anecdote: Did imperial powers bestow any positive benefits? Did these benefits outweigh the costs of colonization?
† RELIGIOUS MOTIVES Conversion to Christianity End-of-the-century crusading spirit Missionaries in Africa, Asia, Hawaii, etc. † Possible anecdote: In what ways did well-intentioned missionaries become cultural imperialists?
JUSTIFICATIONS Social Darwinism Racism Interpreted Darwin’s evolutionary theory in terms of powerful nations “Only the strong survive” Powerful nations able to develop areas and resources being “wasted” by native peoples Racism Increased feelings of white superiority Increased feelings of Japanese superiority Eugenics developed as a branch of science Possible anecdote: Racism and eugenics developed and/or increased simultaneously to justify the dominance of imperial powers, both among the Japanese and Europeans.
CONCEPT OF “RACES” CIRCA 1900 Possible anecdote: Discussion about how the concept of races is outdated and has been proven incorrect through modern research into human migrations and DNA.
TYPES OF IMPERIALISM Colony- A country or territory governed by a foreign power Protectorate- Country or territory with its own internal government but under control of an outside power Sphere of Influence- An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges Economic Imperialism- An independent but less-developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments Possible anecdote: Where
Colony Colony- A country or territory governed by a foreign power Example- France -Somalialand was a French Colony Possible anecdote: Where
Protectorate 2. Protectorate- Country or territory with its own internal government but under control of an outside power Example- Great Britain; established a protectorate over the Niger River delta Possible anecdote: Where
Sphere of Influence 3. Sphere of Influence- An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges Example- Liberia was under the sphere of influence of the United States Possible anecdote: Where
TYPES OF IMPERIALISM 4. Economic Imperialism- An independent but less-developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments Example – Dole Fruit Company controlled pineapple trade in Hawaii Possible anecdote: Where
CONCESSION IMPERIALISM Economic privileges and rights given for a specific purpose U.S. and British oil concessions throughout the Middle East Ottoman Turks granted Germany permission to build Berlin-to-Baghdad Railroad Possible anecdote: Where
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE IMPERIALISM Exclusive or special control over an area Examples British trading rights in China’s Yangtze valley French trading rights in southeastern China Japanese trading rights in Korea Possible anecdote: What does a sphere of influence entail? What did the granting of a sphere of influence mean for a host country?
LEASEHOLD IMPERIALISM Lease over an area Suez Canal Corporation Suez Canal built by French in 1860s Controlled by British shortly thereafter until 1968 Panama Canal United States Germans in Kiachow French in Kwangchow British in Weihaiwei Possible anecdote: Discuss the differences between leasehold imperialism and simple foreign investment (particularly the historical use of military force to retain control over leaseholds). Plan of Suez Canal as envisioned in 1881.
PROTECTORATE IMPERIALISM Foreign control exercised through native “puppet” rulers French – Morocco (1906-1956) British – Egypt (1914-1968) Britain held a sphere of influence in Egypt from 1882-1914 Britain gained control of Egypt as Egypt’s protectorate when the Ottoman empire fell apart during World War I
ANNEXATION IMPERIALISM Territory annexed and turned into a colony under the complete control of a foreign power German colonies in east and southwest Africa – until 1918 and the end of World War I French Indochine (Vietnam) – until 1955 British Burma – until 1948
MANDATE IMPERIALISM Victors of World War I gained control over German possessions under mandates granted by the League of Nations German East Africa → Great Britain Pacific islands north of the equator → Japan Syria → France
TRUSTEESHIP IMPERIALISM Victors of World War II gained control over Japanese mandates plus the newer Japanese and German colonies under trusteeships granted by the United Nations United States → Okinawa and Caroline Islands Italy → Somalia
REVIEW QUESTIONS Describe three motives for imperialism. Describe three types of imperialism. Which nations became imperial powers? Which nations were controlled by imperial powers? How did imperial powers justify their control over foreign nations?