THEMIS GBO/ASI Minor intensification GBAY 01:48:42 KUUJ 01:48:51 CHBG 01:49:39 SNKQ 01:50:54 GILL 01:51:18 TPAS 01:51:21 Major intensification (substorm) GBAY 01:55:36 KUUJ 01:55:21 CHBG 01:56:33 SNKQ 01:52:27 GILL 01:54:21 TPAS 01:54:30
THEMIS SC, GBO and GOES observations 08-03-01/0100 – 0210 UT P1 KUUJ P2 P3 P4 G12 G10 GBAY 01:48:50 UT 0148:42 0154:21
P1 and P2: X=-22.7, -17.4 RE
P1 P2
Timing of HE particles (P1 and P2 SST) First tailward burst 0148:42 UT 0148:42 UT 134 keV
P3 and P4: X=-9.5, -8.0 RE
Magnetic field variations at P3, P4, GOES 10, GOES 12 P3 and P4 FGM measurements: Total field (Bt) at P3 and P4 continuously increases until ~0955 UT Variations of the components, (baseline subtracted): δBy and δBz started at 0148:20 – 0148:40 UT, indicating outward FAC underneath the SC, while Bx and Bt were increasing (the total current built up) until ~0154:30UT (current reduction/disruption). CR/CD P4 P3: Tailward at a velocity of 150 km/s GOES 10: Positive δBn (eastward!) at 0148- 0155 UT G10 was under the FAC GOES10, 12: Dipolarization started at ~0155 UT
2008-03-01/0140 – 0205 UT First activation 0148:20: HE electron flux increase at P2 0148:20: ~150 keV ion flux increase at P2 0148:30: minor δBy at P3 & P4 0148:42: Auroral onset at GBAY 0148:45: PI2 onset at GBAY 0148:50: δBy and δBz at P2/THC 0148:50: Tailward flow at P2/THC 0149:30: δBy and δBz at P1/THB 0149:30: Tailward flow at P1/THB 0149:30: major δBy δBz at P3 & P4 Second activation (substorm) 0154:21: Auroral onset at KUUJ 0154:30: Tailward flow at P1 0154:30: δBy, δBz at P2 0155:00: Tailward flow at P2 0155:00: Drop of Bt at P4 0155:00: Dipolarization at P4 0155:00: δVy, δVz at P4 0155:50: Drop of Bt at P3 0155:50: Dipolarization at P3 0155:50: δVy znd δVz at P3 Signatures in space and in the ionosphere are seen within 20 s! Current reduction /CD at X~-8 RE and plasma acceleration at X~-17 RE acted almost simultaneously (independently?)
3 variants of mapping: TIPSOD (T96?), T96 SW, Event Oriented (EO) THEMIS ASI P1 T96 SW TIPSOD P2 EO P3 P4 G12 G10 GBAY 3 variants of mapping: TIPSOD (T96?), T96 SW, Event Oriented (EO)