Shear alignment of olivine crystals Anisotropy Shear alignment of olivine crystals
Shear wave splitting a c
Olivine Anisotropy: Basic (A-type) [1 0 0] (a-axis) parallel to flow direction (0 1 0) plane parallel to flow plane Horizontal flow Vsh > Vsv Vertical flow Vsh < Vsv Polarization of faster shear wave parallel to flow direction
Olivine (a-axis projection) [0 1 0] [0 0 1]
Olivine (b-axis projection) [0 0 1] [1 0 0]
Olivine (c-axis projection) [0 1 0] A-type: [1 0 0] on (0 1 0) [1 0 0] Vertical Shear
Olivine (c-axis projection) [1 0 0] on (0 1 0) Horizontal Shear [0 1 0] VSH > VSV A-type
A-type [1 0 0] on (0 1 0)
Olivine anisotropy Vp a c b
Olivine anisotropy Vs a c b
Olivine anisotropy Vs (a-vibration direction is fast)
Olivine anisotropy (Karato et al, 2008) A-type [1 0 0] on (0 1 0) B-type [0 0 1] on (0 1 0) C-type [0 0 1] on (1 0 0) D-type [1 0 0] on {0 k l} E-type [1 0 0] on (0 0 1)
Olivine (c-axis projection) [0 1 0] A-type: [1 0 0] on (0 1 0) [1 0 0] Vertical Shear
A-type [1 0 0] on (0 1 0)
Olivine (a-axis projection) (B-type) [0 1 0] [0 0 1] [0 0 1] on (0 1 0)
B-type [0 0 1] on (0 1 0)
Olivine (b-axis projection) (C-type) [1 0 0] [0 0 1]
C-type [0 0 1] on (1 0 0)
Olivine (a-axis projection) (D-type) [0 1 0] [0 0 1] [1 0 0] on (0 k l): Translation is normal to projection plane
D-type [1 0 0] on (0 k l)
Olivine (b-axis projection) (E-type) [0 0 1] [1 0 0]
E-type [1 0 0] on (0 0 1)
Olivine anisotropy Olivine anisotropy
Olivine (a-axis projection) [0 1 0] [0 0 1]
Olivine anisotropy Olivine anisotropy
Olivine anisotropy Karato group experiments done only up to 2000 H per 106 Si. Lower asthenosphere conditions allow up to 140,000 H per 106 Si in forsterite. Explains why Karato sees B- and C-type textures at hydrous conditions. More data at very hydrous conditions would help.
Olivine anisotropy Expect B-type to predominate if H2O content > 1000 ppm at depth > 200km. 50,000 100,000
Olivine anisotropy Crystal structure of hydrous forsterite shows vacancies concentrated at M1 with proton on O1-O2 edge. M1 octahedra form chains parallel to c. Very hydrous conditions in lower asthenosphere might favor deformations that have offsets along c (B-type and C-type).
Olivine (a-axis projection) (B-type) [0 1 0] [0 0 1]
B-type [0 0 1] on (0 1 0)
Olivine anisotropy A-type [1 0 0] on (0 1 0) B-type [0 0 1] on (0 1 0) C-type [0 0 1] on (1 0 0) D-type [1 0 0] on {0 k l} E-type [1 0 0] on (0 0 1) A, D, and E types align a-axis with shear B, and C-types align c-axis with shear
Olivine textures
Shear wave splitting a c