The COLD WAR: A state of tension between the USA & Soviet Union WITHOUT actual fighting.
2 Superpowers who rivaled:
The 2 Superpowers during the Cold War were: Soviet Union USA
The USA is: Capitalist Democratic
The Soviet Union dominated over: Eastern European Countries
Containment: A policy the USA had to stop the spread of communism.
NATO Made up of democratic nations to fight against Soviet attack if needed.
WARSAW PACT An organization made up of communist nations to fight against democratic nations.
China & North Korea The 2 Asian nations that communist parties controlled during the Cold War.
The Korean War ended in a: Stalemate Neither side won
The Cuban Missile Crisis When the Soviets placed missiles in Cuba
The USA responded to the Cuban Missile Crisis by: Blockading weapons shipped to Cuba
The Domino Theory When one country is taken over by communism and all surrounding countries fall to communism
Americans were divided over whether the USA could have been involved in: The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War ended: In a cease-fire agreement in which the USA withdrew their troops
Strategic Arms: Weapons designed to strike at an enemy’s military bases and industrial centers
The United Nations: An international organization that debates world issues and tries to keep world peace
The collapse of the Soviet Union: Destruction of the Berlin Wall The breakup of the Soviet Union
The Marshall Plan: Helped to rebuild Western Europe
The GI Bill of Rights: Loans for education Loans to start businesses Loans for housing
President Truman: Ordered the armed forces to desegregate and end separation of races