Is the amount of time you spend on the internet healthy? This lesson is part of the iKeepCurrent TM Program, provided by iKeepSafe TM
You Spend a Lot of Time Online Content Created by LOOKBOTHWAYS LLC iKeepSafe © All Rights Reserved Made possible by a grant from WebRoot October 2011 Of your media hours, the internet takes up about half of your time but… Spending a lot of time online does not automatically mean you are an internet addict or have problematic internet use.
Finding Balance Most teens balance their internet use against other media types, school, sports, friends, and other commitments. But up to 10% of youth, risk developing a need to be online that becomes compulsive, or uncontrolled. This type of behavior is sometimes called: Internet addiction Problematic internet use Internet compulsion Internet overuse
New Research Reveals Risks A study titled Internet addiction; Neuroimaging findings looked into internet addiction through brain imaging and concluded that internet addiction shares the same emotional and physical profiles as substance addiction and behavioral addictions like gambling, food, work, exercise, cutting, and a variety of internet-related behaviors. Content Created by LOOKBOTHWAYS LLC iKeepSafe © All Rights Reserved Made possible by a grant from WebRoot October 2011
New Research Reveals Risks Research titled Violent Video Games Alter Brain Function in Young Men found that changes in areas of the brain associated with the process of learning and emotional control in young adult men could be seen after just one week of game play. The change in brain function was reduced (but not eliminated) after game play was discontinued for a week.
New Research Reveals Risks In Britain, a study titled Majority of Brits feel 'upset' without Internet connection, found that: 53% of research participants feel upset without an internet connection 40% feel lonely when not able to go online And facing the challenge of giving up technology for 24 hours was considered by some to be as hard as quitting smoking or drinking.
New Research Reveals Risks A study conducted in Korea screened middle school and high school students for internet addiction and compared internet- addicted students with non-addicted students using an IQ test. Internet-addicted students had significantly lower comprehension scores than non-addicted students that may indicate a relationship between internet addiction and weak social intelligence. The study also found a relationship between the age when internet addiction started, the length of time a student was addicted, and students performance in areas related to attention.
Problematic Internet Use To look at problematic internet use from another angle, heres a news story on internet addiction by Katie Couric for CBS News :
20 Questions on Internet Dependency Do you: 1.Stay on the internet for much longer than intended, or not notice how much time passed while you were online? 2.Become infatuated with the internet; or specific internet destinations? 3.Make the decision to reduce the amount of time spent online, and then fail to achieve that reduction? 4.Spend money on internet devices or online that should be used for other necessities? 5.Escape into the internet to avoid responsibilities, escape painful feelings or troubling situations? 6.Think frequently about the internet or an internet activity when not using it or constantly look forward to the next opportunity to be online? 7.Have failed attempts to control your behavior, including aggressive behavior? 8.Check messages compulsively throughout the day? 9.Spend time online when you should be doing other things? 10.Have a heightened sense of excitement while involved in internet activities?
20 Questions on Internet Dependency Do you: 11.Become agitated or angry when not online or online time is interrupted? 12.Prefer to spend time online rather than with friends or family? 13.Feel restless when not online? 14.Lie to others about the amount of time you spend online? 15.Sneak online when no one is around? 16.Feel guilty, ashamed, anxious, or depressed as a result of online actions? 17.Sacrifice sleep to spend time online? 18.Have physical changes like weight gain or loss, backaches, headaches, pain in arms, wrists and hands? 19.Withdraw from activities you previously enjoyed? 20.Feel depressed?
Takeaways Most teens do not have problems maintaining a healthy balance between time spent online other commitments Internet addiction risks are real, and they may have lasting consequences There are clear symptoms to help determine if your internet use has become problematic Asking friends and family for support can help you come through a struggle with problematic use, just as you can be a support for others If you struggle with an unhealthy dependency on internet activities there is help Content Created by LOOKBOTHWAYS LLC iKeepSafe © All Rights Reserved Made possible by a grant from WebRoot October 2011
This iKeepCurrent TM lesson is brought to you by iKeepSafe TM Content Created by LOOKBOTHWAYS LLC iKeepSafe © All Rights Reserved Made possible by a grant from WebRoot October 2011