Adversary Aplomb Apprehensive Aptitude Attentive An enemy. “He saw her as his main adversary in the team.” Aplomb Confidence and style. “Gary conducted himself with aplomb during his presentation.” Apprehensive Feeling worried about something that is going to happen. “Sarah was apprehensive because she hadn’t revised.” Aptitude A natural ability or skill. “Josh has no aptitude for sport.” Attentive Listening carefully. “The audience were attentive.”
Banish Barricade Bluff Brackish Brandish To send someone away and not allow them to come back. “Neil was banished from the classroom.” Barricade Objects put together to stop people from going where they want to go. “Inmates created a barricade between themselves and the prison guards.” Bluff To deceive someone or to lie about your knowledge. “Harry doesn’t know a lot about music – he’s bluffing.” Brackish Dirty and unpleasant water. “Leanne fell into the brackish water.” Brandish To wave something in the air in a threatening or excited way. “She brandished a saucepan at me.”
Circumference Commotion Concoction Conspicuous Contortion The line surrounding a circular space, or the length of this line. “The circumference of the earth is 40,075 KM.” Commotion A sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement. “His presence causes quite a commotion.” Concoction The result of mixing things together. “The player was a concoction of speed, agility and stamina.” Conspicuous Very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that is not wanted. “Her bright pink hair was conspicuous.” Contortion To twist or bend violently and unnaturally into a different shape or form. “His face contorted with bitterness and rage.”
Counter Cunning Debris Defiance Deft To react to something with an opposing opinion or action. “Police have been moved into the area to counter the risk of violence.” Cunning Planning to get what they want, especially by tricking other people. “He’s a very cunning man.” Debris Broken or torn pieces of something larger. “Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.” Defiance Behaviour in which you refuse to obey someone or something. “They continued to use their phone, in defiance of the school rules.” Deft Skilful, clever or quick. “Her movements were deft and quick.”
Destination Diminish Disdain Dismal Dispel The place where someone is going or where something is being sent/taken. “We arrive at our destination tired and hungry.” Diminish To reduce or be reduced in size or importance. “School memories will not be diminished by time.” Disdain Not liking something & thinking they do not deserve your interest / respect. “She treats the teacher with disdain.” Dismal Sad and without hope. “The weather was dismal.” Dispel To remove fears, doubts, and false ideas. “I would like the dispel the recent rumours about me.”
Eavesdrop Egregious Ember Emerge Engross To listen to someone's private conversation without them knowing. “He was eavesdropping on our conversation.” Egregious Extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable “It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.” Ember Something that continues to burn after a fire has no more flames. “We sat by the glowing/dying embers of the fire.” Emerge To appear by coming out of something or out from behind something. “She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.” Engross If something engrosses you, it is so interesting / you give it all your attention. “What is it about Harry Potter that so engrosses children?”
Exasperation Exhilarate Falter Foresight Fragrance The feeling of being annoyed because you can do nothing to solve a problem. “There is growing exasperation within the government.” Exhilarate To give someone strong feelings of happiness and excitement. “Waiting for the next journey never ceased to exhilarate him.” Falter To lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop. “The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.” Foresight The ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future. “She'd had the foresight to sell her apartment at the right time.” Fragrance A sweet or pleasant smell. “The delicate fragrance of roses.”