District 58 Winter TLI 2018
Welcome to the Pathways Education Program
Why change the Education Program? Board of Directors: Revitalize the Program Many manuals are very old Integrate Communications and Leadership Make program more relevant to needs Use modern tools & technology Recognition sooner, more often Board of directors agreed it was time to revitalize the education program. During the testing of the content between July – December 2015, every project in Pathways was tested and evaluated in great depth. What members liked most: Modern subject matter Modernization of content Videos Online format
Why Have Recognition Sooner? REALITY CHECK Average Length of Membership: 18 months Average time to earn CC: 2+ Years Less than 10% of Members Earn any Award Toastmasters analyzed member achievement and length of average time to complete an educational award Result was the average Toastmaster membership is only 18 months. Note: Fewer than 10% of ALL Toastmasters earn ANY educational award. We want to change this. Notice the gap in achieving an educational designation in comparison to the average membership period.
Benefits of Pathways Program What Members Like Most Modern subject matter Modernization of content Videos Online format (optional) . During the testing of the content between July – December 2015, every project in Pathways was tested and evaluated in great depth. What members liked most: Modern subject matter Modernization of content Videos Online format
Education Program Comparison
Distinguished Club Program (DCP) Comparison
District 58 Pathways Rollout Timeline January 19th District Pathways Guide team candidates submitted to WHQ for approval February Guides & Ambassadors schedule visits March /April Guides & Ambassadors conduct club visits District Launch May 2018 70% of club visits completed May, June, July Ongoing support; Guides conduct virtual training sessions
District 58 Roll Out Sequence We start May 2018 Transition period: two years after last region launch Post launch: Current Members: can continue traditional program, work the new, or both programs New Members must all start on Pathways Begin using new member applications From the official launch day forward, ALL new members must start on a Path. No CC or CL manuals will be honored. Old program will be eliminated after that two year period. No education awards should be submitted after that time.
10 Paths Available Dynamic Leadership Effective Coaching Innovative Planning Leadership Development Motivational Strategies Persuasive Influence Presentation Mastery Strategic Relationships Team Collaboration Visionary Communication
Toward DTM - 2 Paths, 5 Levels Each Members must complete two paths toward completing DTM. Mostly Communications Communications & Leadership
In addition to completing two paths: DTM – Still the Highest Achievement In addition to completing two paths: Serve as a club officer for 12 months Serve as Club Mentor or Coach Serve as Club Sponsor or conduct Speechcraft or Youth Leadership Program Serve as a district officer for one year Complete the capstone DTM project (HPL) The Board of Directors was active in developing and approving the new path to DTM. These are the steps members will need to take to earn that award in Pathways. For the new club officer requirement (12 months), an individual can serve in two roles---important for clubs that have 6-month terms. The DTM capstone project is intended for the individual to reflect on what they learned in both learning paths, their journey and how to use the competencies to continue to meet and set goals.
District Officer Sponsor/Mentor/Coach HPL Current Program Chart District Officer Sponsor/Mentor/Coach HPL Club Officer+ DTM This slide and the next one show an, at a glance, difference between the current and new programs. Speechcraft, YLP, et al Educ.
Pathways Chart DTM Club Officer District Officer DTM PROJECT Club Mentor or Club Coach Club Sponsor or Speechcraft or Youth Leadership Program New Member DTM This slide and the previous one show an, at a glance, difference between the current and new programs.
Level 1: Mastering Fundamentals Same for all Paths Ice Breaker Evaluation and Feedback Researching and Presenting Level one projects are same for all paths.
Level 2: Learning Your Style Presentation Mastery Innovative Planning Understanding Your Communications Style Effective Body Language Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring Understanding Your Leadership Style Connect with Your Audience Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring
Level 3: Increasing Knowledge Presentation Mastery Innovative Planning Required: Persuasive Speaking Required: Present a Proposal Electives – both paths (choose 2) Deliver Social Speeches Focus on the Positive Using Presentation Software Inspire Your Audience Connect with Storytelling Prepare for an Interview Connect with Your Audience Creating Effective Visual Aids Understanding Vocal Variety Using Descriptive Language Active Listening Effective Body Language Make Connections Through Networking
Level 4: Building Skills Presentation Mastery Innovative Planning Required: Managing a Difficult Audience Required: Manage Projects Successfully Electives – both paths (choose 1) Create a Podcast Manage Online Meetings Building a Social Media Presence Question-and-Answer Session Write a Compelling Blog Public Relations Strategies Manage Projects Successfully Managing a Difficult Audience
Level 5: Demonstrating Expertise Presentation Mastery Innovative Planning Required: Prepare to Speak Professionally Reflect on Your Path Required: High Performance Leadership Reflect on Your Path Electives – both paths (choose 1) Leading in Your Volunteer Organization Lessons Learned Ethical Leadership Prepare to Speak Professionally Moderate a Panel Discussion High Performance Leadership
How to Get Started in Pathways To get to Base Camp, you must go to the Pathways Start Page on the Toastmasters website. This is what that page looks like. We use a single sign-on system, so everyone has to log in on the Toastmasters website with their user name and password, whether you’re trying to access Leadership Central, for example, or the Pathways Start Page. Both require the same log-in credentials. It’s important for you to remind members that that if they haven’t yet logged in on the Toastmasters website, they should do so as soon as possible. One of the biggest obstacles we anticipate is that members will try to get into Base Camp and not know their log-in credentials or have trouble using them. So the sooner they try logging in, the better. There are three tiles on the Pathways Start Page: The first tile is The Navigator, a guide that is both online and in print. It explains how to work in Pathways and also explains meeting roles and club officer roles and how everything works. It also explains Pathways and how you use Base Camp as well as how you use the print version of the program. The Navigator essentially replaces the New Member Kit that we have now. The second tile is Choose your path, where you will take the Pathways assessment to determine which path is best for you. And remember, members don’t have to choose the recommended path if they don’t want to; they can change it and choose a different path. From there, you can connect to Base Camp, or you can come back to the Start Page and click on the third tile: Pathways Base Camp.
Base Camp Your online home base for the education program where you’ll find: Projects Resources Transcripts Tips Tools It’s also where the Base Camp Managers will track and approve your progress The name of the learning management system in Pathways is Base Camp. Imagine if you decided on an ambitious and challenging quest --- climbing Mount Everest, for example. You have tools---ropes, water, gear ---- and you need a place to store these tools and supplies. You need a home base, which in mountain-climbing terminology is known as Base Camp. In Pathways, the learning management system (Base Camp) is where you access the online materials for the program. This includes: Projects Resources Transcripts Tips Tools This is also where the Base Camp Managers will track and approve your progress. (All clubs will have three Base Camp Managers---club officers who will track members’ achievements.) In short, Pathways represents a journey in which members aim for a personal pinnacle of growth and achievement; Base Camp is where you get the materials and the tools you need to succeed in that journey.
Sneak Peek of Base Camp So here is a sneak peek of Base Camp! This is what the home page will look like every time you go into Base Camp. There are many elements here. First and foremost, this is the look and feel for all the pages in Pathways----you see the red bars and the different types of images that show the different aspects of the Pathways experience. When we’ve talked about the configuration of our learning management system, this is what we’ve been talking about. As you can see, there are five main sections here: Navigating Base Camp, My Education Transcript, My Feedback, My Badges and Speech Evaluations. These are the areas that the Pathways team feels will be most important to members. The system truly is a gateway to an engaging, multi-layered learning experience that will enable you to develop many new skills and maximize your growth. So now let’s take a look at the first tile: Navigating Base Camp.
Effective Coaching curriculum Note the member has completed all of Level 1 and is awaiting final approval of the completion from the VPE. They cannot move on to projects in Level 2 until VPE approves. VPE will get a message letting them know to review. The club President and Secretary are also responsible for assisting the VPE with approval.
For More Information Check out the FAQ at Toastmasters.org for more information: toastmasters.org/Education/Pathways/FAQ Review Pathways section (main navigation of the TI website) Read articles in the Toastmasters magazine Now let’s talk about the training program for the launch of Pathways
Every member should… Verify their email address on file with Toastmasters International is current Login to the toastmasters.org website and access your profile to check For those who have never logged on: Click Login at the top of the home page, scroll down and click Forgot password and follow instructions. Check your Inbox for login information . To get ready for Pathways, every member should do the following.